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Oliver tapped his fingers against the steering wheel nervously, sparing a glance to Lydia who was seated next to him in her formal dress every now and then. He was sweating excessively, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down nervously as he swallowed.

Lydia shivered in her seat, rubbing her bare arms with her hands as she stared out the window. Her heels impatiently tapped against the car floor, fingers tapping against her thigh. Oliver had no idea why she seemed so stressed. The formal wasn't starting for another two minutes, they'd be there just in time.

"Are you cold?" Oliver asked, already putting on the seat warmer for her.

Her lips pulled into a soft smile as she spared him a quick look. The sweet scent of her perfume wafted his way. "Yeah, thank you." she shifted in her seat, putting one leg over the other. 

The silence felt suffocating and Oliver felt the need to break it. He scoured his brain for something to say only to come up blank. He exhaled anxiously, hands clenching around the wheel.

Music could be heard in the distance as the school appeared in their view. It looked beautiful all lit up by star-shaped headlamps. A bunch of navy blue and white glitter hung from the double doors, acting like a soft of curtain to keep some of the cold air out as the doors stood open.

Oliver pulled into a parking spot in a secluded corner and turned off the engine. He looked at Lydia, his cheeks heating up when he found her already staring at him. They shared small smiles, before looking away.

"You ready?" Oliver asked, clearing his throat. When her brows pulled together he grinned, nodding toward the school. "To go inside? You know, to the formal?"

Lydia laughed nervously. "Oh, yeah." she looked to her lap. "I suppose we should go in, huh."

Oliver chuckled. "Well, it defeats the whole purpose of going to the formal if we're just going to be sitting in the car. So yes, we should probably go inside." he opened the car door and stepped out, the cold air instantly bringing goosebumps to his skin. He jogged over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door, smiling cheekily at Lydia as he offered her his hand. "M'lady."

She smiled at the action and grabbed his hand, allowing him to help her out of the car. As she stood, she brushed some wrinkles off her dress, hearing Oliver close the car door beside her.

Allison approached, looking extremely uncomfortable with her arm linked around Jackson's. The Whittemore boy appeared to want to be literally anywhere else. Lydia stood straighter as she saw them, her face pulling into a polite smile.

"Jackson." she greeted, flicking some hair out of her eyes. "You look handsome." she wrapped her arm around Oliver's, nervously fiddling with the material of her dress.

Jackson grinned smugly, offering her a very fake smile. "Obviously. It's Hugo Boss." he chuckled dryly.

Lydia scoffed as they walked away, Allison making sure to shoot them apologetic smiles as she hesitantly trailed after the rude boy. Oliver glared at the back of his head, only snapping out of it when Lydia wrapped her arm around his.

She muttered under her breath, not knowing he could hear her perfectly clearly. "I don't care. I don't want compliments. I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark."

Oliver nudged her side gently, smiling softly down at her. "I think you look very beautiful, Lydia."

Her eyes widened in delight as she peered up at him, a smile tugging at her lips. "Really?" she asked, almost as though she couldn't believe he would actually think so.

Crazy about you - Lydia MartinWhere stories live. Discover now