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A little explanation/background information about this chapter. Basically Chifuyu is having dreams about how Baji dies on the other timelines and he can't seem to get them to stop but he doesn't want to tell anyone about them because he fears if he says something he thinks his dreams will somehow come true.

"IF YOU DIE HERE I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!" Chifuyu screamed holding Baji's almost lifeless body.

"It's alright...Chifuyu," Baji mumbled as he drifted away.

"No please stay with me Baji-san..." Chifuyu pleaded, holding the ravenette as close as he could.

"Ahh!" Chifuyu shot up in his bed panting heavily. He was sweating like crazy even his sheets were soaked with his sweat, his face stained with tears.

Chifuyu got out of his bed and headed straight towards his bathroom turning on the cold water in the shower not bothering to take his already soaked clothes off. He sat in the bath and let the cold water run on him as he just cried it all out.

The next day when he and Baji were walking to school together he could tell Baji was totally staring him down.

"What?" Chifuyu asked a bit grumpily.

"You look really tired...did you not sleep at all last night?" Baji asked, concerned. Now that Baji brought that up he realized Chifuyu has been really tired all the time lately.

Chifuyu hesitated trying to come up with a good response. "Nah Peke J. has been really loud lately."

Baji instantly knew he was lying because Peke J. climbed up into Baji's room last night, but Baji decided not to pry "Oh alright," He responded. It didn't make the ravenette stop staring at him though.


"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Baji asked, trying to touch the blonde's forehead "You look really pale- '' Chifuyu slapped the raveonettes hand away.

"I'm fine," The blonde answered, looking away from Baji. He couldn't handle being around him. Sometimes all he could see was Baji's lifeless body and blood all over his own hands.

Baji frowned; he knew something was wrong with the blonde and he was keeping it from him, but he didn't know how to get him to tell him.

The fact it was P.E and they were running today wasn't helping to ease the revenettes mind either.

They walked to the track together in silence. Chifuyu was trailing a bit behind the older boy but Baji didn't dare say anything he didn't feel like getting yelled at.

"Today we will start off class with a 15 minute jog followed by..."

Chifuyu's head felt light but so heavy all at once, it was pounding terribly and his vision was going fuzzy, slowly getting darker, he couldn't even process what the teacher was saying anymore...God he just wanted to go to sleep without having that terrible nightmare again.

It was the same thing over and over again Chifuyu holding Baji's lifeless body but different things were said between them each time.

"Fuyu?" Baji looked over at the blonde who was swaying back and forth. "Are you sure you're okay?-CHIFUYU!"

Chifuyu suddenly saw nothing but darkness. The spinning stopped and he fell to the ground.

"Woah what just happened?"

"Oh my he just fainted."

"Is he alright!"

Baji dropped to his knees picking up Chifuyu putting his head on his thighs.

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