Chapter Ten

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~~~Sam's Pov

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Sam's Pov

"Death is a word used to describe the end of life—the state of no longer being alive. But she's alive she always will be. Her love will carry on through us. It was 8:13 when she was found supposedly dead. I waited eight weeks for her to wake up and hug me, but that never happened. And unfortunately never will.

One quote that somebody told me when my mother passed was; 'Death is a fiction of the unaware. There is only one life, life and life alone, moving from one dimension to another.' And I was young when my mother passed and didn't really understand what the person meant by that but now as I replay it over and over again in my head. I soon realised that I understood what that person told me.

I'am in deep regret that I never got to tell her I loved her, and I will always and always hate myself for not telling her. But I hope wherever she is that she knows I love her. Because I do, I really do. And I'm sorry I never got to tell her that."

I was standing in front of many people giving her a good bye speech. She was laying in a dark brown coffin. It was open casket and she was wearing a simple black dress.

I couldn't believe I was saying goodbye to the women I loved

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I couldn't believe I was saying goodbye to the women I loved. And I never got to tell her that I lover her.

I looked around the church and saw people I didn't recognise. If I didn't know these people then she must not of.

"I'm sorry Thallo that I never got to say good bye and that I never got to say I love you." I kissed her forehead before I heard the doors to the church open. It opened with a bang and I looked up to who made the noise during the service.

He looked mental. He had a drink in his hand and all eyes where in him. A girl I didn't recognise- but Athena said it was her best friend from college- stood up and she looked mad.

"ELIJAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She screamed. Elijah? Who the fuck is Elijah?

He swinged his hips back and forward. A beer in hand and he was stumbling around.

"She's my girlfriend I have the right to be here." He said toppling onto a church stall thing. Girlfriend? GIRLFRIEND! There dating!


"BOO HOO SHE LOVED ME ANYWAY." He spoke coming up the aisle.

"NO SHE DIDN'T! YOUR A DRUNK ADDICT WHO ABUSED HER!" Amy shouted at him. ABUSED!? He hit her. My blood boiled. I was going to kill him. Amy was sat in the front row so when he reached her row, he launched himself at her trying to strangle her. He got his hands around her neck.

"YOU BITCH SHUT UP." He shouted at the top of his lungs. She was scratching his hands trying to get him off of her. Me and Embry got there first trying to pry him off the poor girl. Once we did I got him on the floor and started punching him over and over again in the face.

Then all chaos broke loose, some random men -who I guess where friends of Elijah- charged into the building and started trying to knock people out! I know right, fun funeral!

Thallo's Pov

My eyes opened slowly, my eyes sight a bit blurry. I heard glass smash around me and shouts and cry's from people. When I could feel my muscles in my body I sat up and looked out at the mess around me.

We where in a church and it was a simple one. People dressed in black where fighting back against people who looked like they where drunk and on steroids. I looked at where I was laying. A casket. The truth finally settled in. This was my funeral. Holy shit! And everyone's fighting.

I quickly got out the casket made my way up to the stand grabbed a microphone and shouted down it so everyone could hear me.

"EVERYONE STOP FIGHTING!" I shouted. Everyone's eyes drifted to me, some people had there jaw dropped others looked stunned they where seeing me. "WHAT IS GOING ON!" I shouted.

"Your crazy ass ex just came in here drunk and then some men followed him in." Amy spoke, she had a bloody lip and was panting harshly. She looked surprised but seem unfazed. My heart sunk a bit. Elijah was here. I was going to have to face him.

Sam and Elijah stood right at the front of the church. Sam's hands and knuckles where bloody, he had a bruised nose and jaw. Elijah had a bloody face with blood pouring down his nose.

"Your alive." Elijah whispered. "Oh my Lord your alive." He said running up to me. When he got close I punched him right in the face sending him backwards, knocking him straight out.

"That's for beating me." I said shaking off my wrist. Everyone's eyes where still glued to me. "Alright yes calm down or whatever. I get it I rose from the dead or whatever. Now can all the people I don't know leave. I don't ever know half these people. Out!" I shouted. Clapping my hands.

Most left apart from the pack, my Ma and Amy. Oh and also Elijah but he was knocked out cold.

"How-How- this isn't possible?" Ma spoke.

"Let's just say someone gave me some advice while I was out. And let's just say I took it." They all nodded.

Amy ran up to me first hugging me. And then my Ma. And then Seth. Jacob. Paul. Embry. Jared. Quill. And then finally Sam. Leah stayed back not wanting a 'group hug'. Once everyone pulled away, some of them spoke up.

"How are you alive?" Sam asked.

"What's death like?" Embry asked.

"Did you meet god?" Seth asked.

"Can I have some bread?" Jared asked.

"Dude I need alcohol!" Paul said. We all chuckled at what he said.

"I can't tell you how I'am alive but for whatever reason you must trust that I'am okay. Deaths actually really cool, it's boring but cool. No I didn't meet god. Yes Jared you can have bread. And Paul alcohol does sound good." Paul laughed at this.

There was a thick silence in the air once Paul stopped laughing. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable.

"So what do we do now?" Amy asked. Eyes flickered to her and I saw Embry freeze in place. Everyone looked between the two or them. Paul waved his hand in front of Embry him finally coming out of his daze. 

"Let's go dear before there's bloodshed." Ma spoke kindly. Pulling Amy away from the group and out the back door.

"Wait but why? I don't understand! What did I do wrong?" She asked but no one answered.

"Man you just imprinted." Paul said clapping him on the back. WAIT WHAT! He imprinted.

I knew about imprinting a thing wolves do that must be why Ma took her outside. My blood boiled with anger. I clenched my hands into a ball holding it tight.

Everyone's eyes flickered to me and Embry, he took a huge gulp and I tightened my fists harder.

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