Chapter Twenty

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Me and Sam had arrived back at the house. It was quiet and nothing was on fire and nobody was hurt. The boys and Kim had fallen asleep watching a movie.

Jared and Kim had fallen asleep on the couch. Paul had fallen asleep on one of the couch chairs. So had Jake but just on a different chair. Embry and Quill where laying on the rug snuggled into a blanket and Seth was using Paul's chair as a head rest for him to sleep.

I knew when the boys and Kim woke up in the morning they would be first off; tired and second off; grouchy, annoyed and in pain.

I laughed slightly when I saw how they where asleep. Sam was just unpacking the picnic and then we would go upstairs to get our own sleep.

After five minutes of watching them I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist and a chin was placed onto the top of my head. I heard Sam laugh slightly at the boys and girl.

"These boys are idiots." I hit him softly laughing with him.

"Don't call them idiots. There insane and crazy and fools. And many other things, but we would be here for ages if I list off everything they were." He chuckled slightly at my statement.

"Cmon let's go to bed." He grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs.


I woke up abruptly to a pain in my stomach. I rushed over to the bathroom quickly but only making it to the sink.

So yes readers I threw up in the sink.

I heard Sam get out of bed and follow me but way more slower then I did. I'm surprised I didn't get a head rush from standing up way to fast.

"Ti you okay?" He asked. Sam walked in and rubbed his eyes. He only then realised I had thrown up. "Oh shit. Ti are you okay?" He asked.

I shook my head not wanting to talk. I could feel bile come back up through my mouth and I opened my mouth again to throw up in the sink.

Sam rubbed my back and grabbed my hair making sure it didn't get in the way of the sick. After a few minutes of leaning over the sink he stopped rubbing my back.

"I'll go get you some medicine and water, wait here okay." I just nodded. After he left I turned on the tap and let the sick go down the drain.

I sat on the toilet holding my stomach. I grabbed my tooth brush and started brushing my teeth trying to get rid of the taste of sick in my mouth.

Sam walked back in with a cup of water and some medicine. He gave me the water and got out the
tablet for the medicine. He gave me the tablet and I placed it in my mouth. I swallowed it with some water to help it go down.

I sat back down on the toilet and just breathed slowly.

"I have to help the boys at the garage-." Sam started. I knew where this was going I just shook my head.

"No go. You need to. I'll be alright here." He looked sceptical but I reassured him that I would be fine. I should of shut my mouth then and there and asked him to stay home. But I didn't and I will regret it forever.

He just nodded and got ready. He soon came back in and kissed my lips softly. I'm surprised he did my lips probably taste like vomit.

"I'll see you later okay." I nodded. "Oh and by the way I called in for your work to tell them to give you the week off." I nodded again.

"I love you Sam." I spoke up.

"I love you Thallo." He said. He walked out and after a couple of second I heard his car door slam and his engine start.

I was the only one in the house now, the boys had gone off to work and Kim had to go help her mum do something.

It was silent for a bit and I just sat on the toilet waiting to see if I would throw back up.

After awhile I heard the phone ring. It must be Bella I though. She's the only one who actually rings, the boys just come and go when they please.

Me and Sam found out Jared lived with us for a week without us even knowing!

I walked over to the phone and picked it up, but before even telling Bella I couldn't speak today as I was sick I was cut off.

"Thalia I know this sounds insane but I'm pregnant with Edwards child." Wait what! Now that woke me up. "Everyone wants to get rid of the child, apart from me and Rosalie. Please Thalia! Please! You have to help me. Please! I wouldn't ask if was an emergency but I really need your help." I could hear the urgency in her voice.

"Yeah of course Bella I'll be there soon." I spoke through the phone. I put down the phone changed my clothes, grabbed my bag with my stuff in and walked out my house, towards my car to head to the Cullens.


Me and Rosalie where sat next to Bella on the couch. She looked exhausted and tired. Edward wasn't having it. He was raging he didn't want to believe he got Bella pregnant while she was human. He didn't want to have a felling that he killed her.

It had been two weeks since I had left Sam's and my house. He tried to call me and I picked up I explained to him what had happened but after that he grew cold. He shouted at me and told me that if I went through with this I would be considered a traitor in there eyes. But I ignored him, I had to be there for Bella. It would be the same way around if I was in Bella's shoes.

We heard a knock at the door Carlisle went down to check who it was. I could hear through the boards of wood in the house creaking and a door open.

"Hello Jacob." Carlisle greeted.

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