Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I was sat on a deck chair the Cullens had. Everyone was inside apart from Renesmee, Jacob and Bella. They had gone to visit Charlie, Bella's dad.

I was by myself just thinking, surrounded by nothing but my thoughts. I heard someone sit down next to me. I looked over and saw Carlisle had sat there.

"You told Sam?" He asked me.

"I told Sam." I responded. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We just sat there in silence. "Carlisle?" I asked. He gave me a 'mmh'. "I want you to promise me something." He turned to face me fully.

"What do you want me to promise?" He asked.

"Carlisle, if I die-." I started but he cut me off.

"Thalia don't speak like that." He told me.

"Carlisle I'm serious. If I die, I want you to give Sam the baby. I'm leaving the baby with Amy one of my best friends while the battle happens. But I want Sam to have the child." He nodded.

"He would get the child anyway." He told me fighting against what I had said.

"Not just that." He nodded for me to continue. "Carlisle I've done some thinking and if it comes down that the Volturi offer for me to join them in replace for you guys to go without a fight I'll take it-." He went to interrupt me but I took it back. "I'm serious Carlisle. I've thought it through and I would much rather have you guys safe then half of us dead, if it comes down to a decision I have to make I'll take it." He nodded slightly.

"I stand by your choice Thalia. Your old enough to make your own choices and I'll respect you wishes but whatever you decide remember not everyone might like it. Especially the ones closer to you." He told me.

"This is what I want Carlisle. I want something to go right and if it caused by this then so be it. I just want everyone to be safe and happy."

"Just remember Thalia." He said standing up. "We don't always get what we want." And with that he left me alone to think.


"AUNT TIA!" Nessie called running from the car Jacob and Bella where in. They followed behind her as Ness told me all about her trip to Grandad Charlie.

"You okay Tia, you look like you've seen a ghost." Bella told me, I just nodded at her.

"I'm alright bells." I told her, she nodded at me. Shoe could obviously see through my lie.


I was in my house packing a bag for my unborn daughter. It might not be necessary but I wanted to. Just in case anything went down hill.

I had packed a couple of pictures of me, the sonogram of her, the Cullens, the pack any pictures that I thought meant something. I gave her my lucky necklace that had been through generations of our family. And I gave her a note to explain everything about the witch gene she would have.

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