The Wedding

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chapter 12
Wedding 💒 time.
Everyone was standing on their seats in anticipation for the grooms to make an appearance. Even Kai was there, somehow still not arrested.
The door dramatically opened, the hinges making a boom and in came cole, gracefully stepping down the isle as he was being walked in by John cena, wearing a grey hat and dungarees who surprisingly accepted the invite to their pocket-sized wedding.
And following behind was jay being walked in by John cena's mom (John cema(r) get it, because it's his mom LOL).
They walked in to the iconic cena 'DUH DUH DUHDUHH' music.
After zane (who is apparently a priest now, jay downloading a priest dlc expansion pack for him) married them, they kissy (jay cried, but only a little).

*time skipped, they are eating food now*

Cole and jay were munching down some mac and cheese from chipotle as a now happy married couple, when they noticed the absence of a very annoying person.
They ignored it because they didn't really care and wanted to eat mor Mac and cheese. Cole chowed it down and helped jay out by spoon feeding him some of the cheese.
Around 5 minutes later jay sprinted full speed toward the bathroom, mac and cheese in hand, as he didn't want an oopsie but did still want his mac and cheese popsicle. After having a lil sh*t, he smoothed out his pretty blue dress and began to make his way towards the exit. But before he got there he noticed a lil big guy sat in the corner of the room. 'ITS JOHN CENA!' Jay realised, full of awe and poop.
He crawled over to him to ask 'hey what's wrong cena man, you seem sad :('
John cena responded whilst crying a lil more 'I did an whoopsie ); the mac and cheese made my lactose introvertness act up'.
'Hey it's okay man, I accidentally whoopsy all the time! You make me jump and that's it'.
Cole at that moment entered the room and said the word 'boo'
"oop-" jay said making him jump and officially whoopsying his pants.
Thus proving to cena he had nothing to feel bad about and jay changed his pants with some fresh new blue ones which Cole had brought along for him in his butt pocket.

*time skipped to dance floor*

Jay and Cole were having their first dance to the beautiful song 'it's every day bro' and 'the Grinch official movie soundtrack'
'Jay thanks for such a great day (:' Cole said.
'It's cool (:' jay said in response to his dumpy husband.
They danced the rest of the night away, but unknown to them there was a ugly gross sticker mysterious figure watched them through the yucky gunky-funky buttery window in a very scary way.

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