Cena Humor

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'ayo zane." lloyd said,holding in a small, pint-sized fart, to zane on the other end of the phone, "we've got a problem."
*time skip lloyds now in zanes apartment*
"so they're actually compatible?" zane inquired, his flatbread crumbling like jay in his hand.
"yeah, you know what that means right?" lloyd replied, fidgeting his hands anxiously, popcorn grease lurking on his sticky moist WET hands.
"by my calculations, this would mean they would get married and soon realise how awful married life is!" zane exclaimed.
"exactly! this is why we must break them up before it gets that far."
"and i have just the plan" zane stated whilst smirking 😏 full of fartz. 🧎
As zane is always stalking everyone and their wives all the time, due to him hiding microchips in everyone's necks and sometimes their soufflé, he knew how cole and jay were due to go on another date to the amusement park, Thicc park. lloyd and zane watch as the happy love-canaries get onto the biggest rollercoaster, as the rollercoaster started so did the plan. if this doesn't break them up, nothing can. it was as the rollercoaster, now formally as the Thiccanator,  got to the highest peak it suddenly stopped, paused for long enough as the two kissed brows, and the 2 on the ride didn't seem fazed by this as they could always air-jitsu down. Before they could go anywhere the electronic billboard started to play something...
..."and his name is, JOHN CENA DUH DUH DUH DUHHHHH"
jay and cole looked at each other in disgust, 'ew john cena what a buttcheek of a man' they thought. you see it is well known throughout ninjago how whenever the name 'john cena' is mentioned around a new couple, they instantly break up as they get so disgusted by 2016 mlg memes.
"wat...?" lloyd questioned as he looked at the couple whom he hoped to destroy.
"why are they laughing, they shouldn't be laughing. don't tell me they-" lloyd started as zane interrupted with;
Lloyd and zane leave the couple at the amusement park and go back to zane man's apartment in both disgust and tears from jay and cole humour, and shock from their perfect plan and marriage failing.

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