Part one

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Trudging through the snow in the middle of winter wasn't exactly my idea of fun. Feyre had sent me to check our traps whilst she hunted for a deer to help bring the meat supply back up. Since we went into poverty me and feyre taught ourselves to hunt to keep ourselves alive. we where 14 when the last of the money ran out, that was five years ago now.

Packing a rabbit into my bag i headed to the next trap, hopefully my new traps worked better than the last ones. thanks to one of feyres friends i had improved them all to be more sufficient so I didn't have to reset them after them being set of and empty.

Three rabbits. Thats all i got. Hopefully feyre had better luck than i had. we usually hunted together but we where almost out of meat so we decided to split up in hopes of a better hunt.

When i arrived home i dumbed the rabbits on the table, feyre eventually coming home to. by the time I had cleared away the mess of rabbit guts and hide, the table was ready for her dear.

"Three, those traps of yours are doing well." She complimented, i nodded.

"I hoped there'd be more, hopefully you can use their pelts to make some coin at the market." I signed, since loosing my voice i had learnt to sign and feyre learnt to understand me. She was the only one who bothered, farther spent his days in his chair and our sisters did there least to help us survive, especially in winter. nesta spent her days between gossiping neighbours and a wood cutters son I didn't bother to learn the name of. elain, she was to frail, would probably blow over in the wind if she wasn't practically joined to nestas hip.

"This is enough." Feyre answered. we where left too prep and store the meat.

The next day i was left home with farther to prepare food whilst feyre took the others into town to sell her wolf pelt, and my rabbit furs. the rabbits would sell easier than her wolf pelt, but she would try. for us she would.

As night dawned and we all finished eating we began settling down for the cold night ahead.

"MURDERERS!" The beast roared, stood on his beck legs glaring down at us. Faerie. only a faerie would appear as a talking beast.

"MURDERERS!" It roared again.

"P-please." My farther babbled from behind where me and feyre stood ready to defend our family. "Whatever we gave done, we did so unknowingly, and"

"We didn't kill anyone." Nesta hissed her eyes still as cold as they always where.

"Get out." Feyre yelled, she had taken my knife from me and now pointed it at the beast. "Get out and be gone."

"WHO KILLED HIM!" The beast continued yelling.

"Killed who?" Feyre asked, i grasped her free hand in comfort as I wasn't much use in the situation.

"The wolf." The voice was low and vicious.

"A wolf?" Feyre asked.

"A large wolf with a grey coat." The beast described, feyres wolf.

"If it was mistakenly killed. What payment could we offer in exchange?" Feyre asked.

"The payment you must offer is the one demanded by the treaty between our realms." Treaty, what treaty had we forgotten about?

"For a wolf?" Feyre retorted, i tapped her shoulder but she ignored my request to speak to her.

"Who killed the wolf?" The beast asked.

"I did."

"Surely you lie to save them."

"We didn't kill anything." Elain wept, "please.... Please, spare us!"

"I killed it." Feyre repeated. I kept tugging on her arm silently pleading her not to do this. "I sold its hide at the market today. If i had known it was a faerie, I wouldn't have touched it." Feyre explained.

"Liar." It snarled "you knew. You would have been more tempted to slaughter it had you known it was one of my kind."

"Can you blame me?" She asked.

"Did it attack you, were you provoked?" What a strange question.

"No." Feyre stated. A long argument between my sister and the beast eventually ended up with farther telling her to go.

"Do it feyre, go. Take Althea and go." He knew id be alone without feyre, she's the only person who can talk to me.

"Live where? Every inch of pyrinthian is lethal to us." Feyre yelled.

"I have lands, i can grant you permission to live there. Even the silent one." The beast said gesturing to me.

"Why bother?" A simple question.

"You murdered my friend. Murdered him, skinned his corpse, sold it at the market and then said he deserved it, and yet ypu have the nerve to question my generosity?" He snarled "i could always leave the wench so suffer here alone." He added.

"You didn't need to mention the loophole." Faeries couldn't lie, a simple fact every mortal knew.

After another long argument me and feyre where leaving for pyrinthian immediately.

"Dont come back. Feyre, you go somewhere new- you make a name for yourself. And Althea, find your voice again, find your life again." My farther let out a tear for us as we finally left.

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