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I shouldn't have said anything. The way she looked at me, I knew I had thrown too much her way these past few days. She wouldn't ever choose me over whoever may have her heart already, if there's even anyone else.

And then...it's just the issue of me being me.

I'm a toxic asshole.

Nobody would ever want me. And if they did, that'd probably make them as bad as me or even worse. I've put Devana and Synara through some shit. I can never stop thinking about that anymore. I don't think there will be a moment in my life when my mind doesn't flit back to that.

I promised Devana and Synara I'd never love again. Not after this. Not after Syn's suicide. But here I am, falling in love with someone that I used to dislike.

How did I even get here?

I laid on my bed, eyes closed as I looked at the light beneath my eyelids. The sun was getting fainter and fainter through my blinds, and memories of my two best friends were at the edge of my memory. I winched at the metaphor, because an image of Laura jumping off a dark-colored cliff entered my mind.

I felt weird all of a sudden. Like no amount of relaxing I did would make me feel any better. I sat up on my bed and peeled my eyes open. I moved off my bed with energy I didn't know I possessed anymore since...Syn. I grabbed a light jacket and left my bedroom, my mind still foggy with sadness.

Where am I going, I asked myself.

"Hey, sweetheart," my mother greeted me down in the kitchen, cleaning off some chicken.

"Hey," I said, my mind faraway.

"Where you goin'?"

She never asks me stuff like that, I thought faintly.

My mind seemed to snap into the present for a moment. Yeah, I had taken an edible before I laid down. Now I remember. "Going for a walk. I'm gonna be at the park or Devana's."

"Well, try to be back before nine," she said, her eyes scanning my face. My eyes didn't feel droopy or anything, but I hope she couldn't tell that I was high.

I turned my head away from her and nodded, leaving out the house and finding myself heading in the direction of Laura's house.

By the way her front door hung open, I knew that something was wrong. I was too high at this point to feel any deep emotions, but I knew that I needed a weapon and to get inside really quickly.

I grabbed a loose brick off their porch and pushed my way through the front door, closing it my behind myself. I resisted calling out any names and instead surveyed the house. Some part of me knew that I should come here.

Some part of me also knew that no one was home.

My eyes snapped upstairs as I heard some shuffling.

Maybe someone is home then, I thought to myself.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and found myself staring down Laura's room. I knew it was hers. We had been here not that long ago. Me and Dior.

I slowly pushed the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Laura," I called out.

My hand felt clammy on the doorknob. "Laura," I called out again.

"In here," she said, her muffled voice echoing through the door. "Open the door, Laura," I say gently. I grip the doorknob even tighter, trying to stay in the moment long enough to get to her.

Something told me I needed to come here. But why?

I felt the door unlock beneath my hand and Laura slowly opened it.

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