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"Something's going on," I mumble to myself as Demon expertly weaves past the potholes in Southwest.

"Where did she go though?" Dior asks.

I could tell by Synara's expression when Khloe had pulled up next to her that something was off with her. Pissed off at us or not, friend or foe, I knew we needed to go after her to make sure she was alright.

"There's no way we're gonna find her. We can only hope she stopped somewhere and we see her parked car. If she's still driving, we most likely won't find her." It had taken Dior some convincing that something was off about Syn and that we should go after her. She loved her and all, but she just didn't see what I had seen in her love's eyes.

Synara had the look of suicide in her eyes, and I knew that look well because of my older sister's previous attempts. Demon hadn't spoken at all, and she was immediately on board as well. I wonder if she had noticed it too. I didn't want to freak Dior out because I knew about her strong feelings for Synara. Her being calm is what we needed right now.

"Try this way," I suggest. We had been through this light several times, going down different ends of the street. Synara could be gone right now, or she could be nearby.

"After this...we should check any bridges," Demon said softly. Dior's head snapped up, "Why?" Demon met my eyes in the mirror. So she had seen Syn's face too. "I agree," I said quietly.

"The motel! Right there! Isn't that Syn's car!" I yelled. Everyone's heads snapped to the familiar dark green Jeep with the school's logo on her back window.

"Hurry, Demon," Dior says, seeming to realize why we had been so frantic. "I have to save her!"

Dior and I were already out of the car before Demon could park. My back teeth hurt because of how hard I was grinding them- I was that nervous. Dior slapped her hand down on the counter of the motel desk. "My friend. She just came in. Black. Female."

"I'm sorry but-

"She might commit suicide sir," Demon said, coming in from the doorway. "I suggest you tell us her room number unless you want your motel sued." Demon looked at his uniform, "Or whoever you work for sued. I see you're pretty low in the ranks."

The man stumbled up and lead us to her room.

Dior knocked him away from the door and kicked it down. I gaped at Dior, then looked at Demon for answers but she only shrugged.

"Used to break into people's houses," she commented.

The motel employee complained about his door but curiously peeked inside of the messy room with us as Dior headed straight for the bathroom.

It was too quiet in here. Too still. Don't tell me we're too late. "Synara!" Dior screamed.

"No, no, no," the man started praying to someone unfamiliar to me, falling to the ground and hiding his eyes as he cried for someone he didn't know.

Demon and I rushed to the bathroom where Synara floated in her own blood, the tub dingy with the residue of past dirt and dried stains.

"Synara," Dior cried, pulling her out of the water. She laid Synara's naked body on the ground and started performing CPR. Demon stared down at Syn, frozen and shocked. I'm the only one who had the good sense to call the cops. I got my phone out and dialed, staring at someone who had been alive not a day ago as my friends tried to revive her.

"Is it working?" I ask as I wait for the line to connect.

"I don't know," Dior sobbed, still trying.

Something in Demon snapped and she started helping Dior too. I touched my cheek as I talked to the operator and told her where we were. This felt so unreal. This couldn't be happening to Synara. She was just alive. This felt so-

I slumped to the floor, my vision going blurry.

"Laura?" I heard Demon's voice.

"Please, not her too," Dior shrieked.

I could see Demon crawling over me, but Dior pushed her out of the way, patting my cheek over and over as my consciousness faded. "Get away. You've done enough!" was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

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