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x DIOR x

And like that I had an idea: if Demon falls for Laura, that will leave Syn for me.

I watched as Syn and Demon exited the building, heading towards Demon's car in the parking lot, after school. It was loud outside and the air was filled with drama besides our own.

I followed them from a distance until they reached Khloe's car. I was about to accuse Demon of driving off without me when I felt someone behind me.

Too close.

I turned around and it was Laura. "Problem?" I ask her. "Where's ya friend. I need to talk to her," her expression was beyond pissed.

I shrugged. "Find her yourself. I don't listen to Southwest whores."

"You're the only whore standing right here and we both know it," she whispered lowly, staring into my eyes. "You don't wanna get kicked out of the district, bitch," I said back. Her eyes widened like she didn't expect me to know that information.

"Demon tells me everything," I gloat.

Ugh, now I'm acting like Synara.

Your plan, remember it, my mind screams.

I snap my face into a smile. "Actuallyyy," I grab her by the shoulders and steer her towards Demon, "She's all yours."

She shoved me off of her, gaining the attention of a few people. "Don't touch me. That's the last thing you or any of your friends will ever do again. You must not know who I am," she said dangerously.

"Sure doing a lot," I bit back my words, remembering my goal. "Listen, maybe we can make a deal?"

Laura crossed her arms across her chest, her action making her tits more noticeable. My gaze drifted down to her chest momentarily then I forced myself to refocuse. Never saw a stem with some tits like that.

"Take Demon's attention away from Syn and I'll make sure they never mess with you. And I won't mess with you either," I add in. She bust out laughing, looking me up and down like I was a fool, "Why would I want her attention on me? She practically wants to kill me, Dior."

"But she likes you," I tell her, pleading with my eyes.

"Please. I'd be delusional to end up with her ass," she rolled her eyes. "Then be delusional." I dug in my pocket, "Look. I'll pay you." Laura eyed the money in my hands. "I feel like this is a trick," she snatched the money out of my hands, "but at least I'll be getting paid to be fucked with, shit."


I looked up and Demon and Syn were headed my way. "Play along," I hiss at Laura. She started to speak but I fixed Demon with a smile, "I think I found a solution to our...problem."

"Which is?" Syn's eyes drifted to Laura as she held her arm through Demon's. They looked like two little boys in love. Syn was supposed to be on me like that, not Khloe. "I think we found a new member on the basketball team. Varsity."

"Uh, yeah," Laura agreed.

Syn eyed her skeptically, then she glanced at me. Demon's eyes took me and Laura in, like she could sense my plans. "Okay. Like I said," she turned to Laura, "come dressed in some tryout gear for first period one day."

"A moment, Laura," Syn said in a dull tone, like she could care less about what Laura thought. The three of us huddled together while Laura awkwardly stared at the ground. The buses were pulling away. I guess that meant we would all be riding with Demon today. "Since when are we all buddy buddy with Demon's buddy?" Syn glared at me.

I gestured for Syn to lean in and she reluctantly did so. "Because she's gonna steal your place at Khloe's side." Anger flashed across her face. "Laura is less of a problem if we can watch her at all times on your varsity team, Demon," I turn away from Syn. "That way if she goes snitching about our argument in the park, we'll know firsthand. She's in our ball park. Our territory."

"I think you mean Demon's territory," Syn glared.

"No. I think I mean our's," I turn away from them and grab Laura's arm. "We should all hang out and set our past differences aside. My house?" I turned to Syn and Demon.

"Sure," Syn grumbled.

"Whatever you wanna do, Dior," Demon said. I let Laura slide into the car's back row before me after Syn damn near knocked her over to get in the passenger seat. I could see that she was shaking but I'd make good on my promise to not let anything happen to her. For as long as she holds down her side of our bargain.

I felt someone pull the collar of my shirt back. It was Demon, her strong hands gripping my ass she pulled me against her. "Whatever you're planning, know who's in charge here. Who's the boss." Her breath tickled my ear but the thing that I felt the most was the heavy bulge of a gun against the arch of my back.

"Yes daddy," I said in a sarcastic voice, amazed at how I could've ever thought I was attracted to her.

And not Syn.

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