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"I'm sorry, but why is she with you? She chose who her friends are. The same people who pushed me into a trash can when I had crutches last year," Polly glared between me and Rhi, "a story both of you know very well. I'm not friends with people who fuck with my enemies."

Donreneé watched this affair besides Demon. We were standing over the table they had been seated at for lunch. Rhi had invited me to sit with them, even if Demon had been glaring at me a few feet away during the whole invitation to their table again.

"I'm not friends with the trio, trust me," I spoke carefully, knowing that Demon was near. "I have to sit with them. But I'm still your friend, Polly." I looked at Don next to Demon. "I'm still your friend," I tell her too.

"You don't have to sit with them," Polly grumbled, "You choose to. But whatever. You can sit here, but that doesn't mean I'll talk to you." Donreneé didn't say anything but by the distrustful look in her eyes, I knew she agreed with my former friend's words. The trio was known across the building for being some of the school's best student athletes but also the cruelest bullies. Sitting with the trio might look like a willing alliance to Polly and Donreneé, but only Rhi and I knew that I didn't have any other choice.

Despite Demon saying we no longer had any bargains this morning, I had decided that continuing to sit with what was left of the trio would be the safest bet for me and my friends. Even if they didn't claim me as a friend right now. Even if they didn't realize I was trying to protect them from whatever Demon might do, if she chose to threaten me again. Keeping them at a distance, so Demon wouldn't hurt those closest to me.So, I guess in a way that Polly was right. I did choose to sit with the trio.

But not because of the reason she believed.

"It's fine, Rhi," I turn to my friend. "I'll sit with Demon today." No Syn, no Dior. Just me and Demon. I didn't even want to think about how lunch would go for me today. Or how it would be in the future once Dior was outcasted, and Syn never returned back to the trio. Just me and Demon.

"Laura," they started.

"It's fine," I gave Rhi a soft smile, then turned to Demon to ask, "Where are we sitting today?" Demon and I walked off, heading back inside of the cafeteria.

"Enjoy my company more than your friends?"

I glared at Demon as my stomach grumbled. "I'm going in the lunch line. Just text me where you're sitting so I know where to find you." I can't believe I once had a soft spot for Demon, even if it was momentary. She's such an ass.

"I'm not finna wait for you to get outta that long ass line," Demon rolled her eyes. She strolled up to the front of the lunch line and stopped a kid from ordering. "Excuse me," she started speaking to the lunch lady in French. I gaped. I didn't even know Demon knew another language.

"What do you want?" Demon looked back at me to ask what I wanted to eat. My eyes quickly went over the menu for today and I frowned. Everything sounded nasty, but I didn't have anymore money on my account to get the food that wasn't free. "Um, I guess I'll go with-

"Nothing looks good?" Demon asked me.

Her gaze was hard.

"Uh, no, but it's fine-

"I'll order you something to eat," she declared.

She thanked the lunch lady, then pulled me away from the lunch lines towards our usual table. "You don't have to order me anything. I could've just ate the school food," I frown, confused.

"You were taking too long and it was annoying me," she rolled her eyes, "Plus, why eat something if you don't want it?"

"Not all of us are money-fortunate, Khloe. That happens to happen a lot," I snap.

"Do you not want anything?" she looks up at me from her phone, "Now tell me what you want me to Doordash." Even though I'm still pissed at her insensitive ways, I blush, "Why?" She fixed me with another glare and I softly grabbed her phone from her hands. "Lemme see," I mumble to myself.

I pick out where and what I want ordered, then hand the phone back to Demon. "I'm not paying you back," I tell her, just so she would know.

"Didn't expect you to," she mumbled back.

What was that supposed to mean?

I focused on staring at the table, feeling the stares of the cafeteria on us. Everyone wondering what happened to the trio and why the new girl (the Southwest girl) was sitting with Khloe Powell, otherwise known as Demon.

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