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"They were on their way out but they agreed to the balloon release idea. They even said they were fine with you coordinating it, Demon. Now, what the fuck took y'all so long?" I scolded them, pulling out in my Mustang. We had quickly walked to Demon's, retrieved my car, then decided we were going to head back over to my place.

"This one was scared of jumping from the balcony," Demon cocked her head at Laura. "I had to convince her to jump down."

"No I wasn't. I just didn't want to touch you," Laura said quickly, rolling her eyes in the backseat. "Plus what logical person ain't scared of that."

The car felt empty without Synara in it, but all the evidence we had towards her obsession with Demon kept her presence heavy in the vehicle. I know. Why would I want to have something of Synara's that showed her heart belonged to Khloe? It's just...I needa know the why. I need to see her reasoning. I need a piece of her, even if it isn't the best, or biggest slice.

It was like an old hoodie, or a lock of hair.

I needed Synara with me.

"This is crazy," Laura mumbled, talking to herself.

"You would know, huh?" Demon joked.

I knew from her tone that she had meant that jokingly but by the way the air seemed to suck out of my Mustang, I knew that she had said the wrong thing.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I was just joking, Laura," Demon chuckled awkwardly. "Nahh, but I don't think you were. You made that jab at my sister Gene in the past, and now I feel like you tryna be slick again now," Laura said accusingly. "You always think some shit is funny, Demon."

"I didn't mean it in that way, Laura, but sure, if you wanna act like that then whatever," Demon rolled her eyes.

"Everybody gotta be an asshole around here," Laura muttered under her breath, "something about y'all motherfucking Northwest bitches."

"How am I an asshole for making a joke, Laura?"

"Because you knew that joke would hurt me!"

"Okay, and? It was a joke though!"

"Why would you wanna hurt me?" Laura asked slowly, "Just to get the opportunity to let some joke out? Was saying that joke really that worth it, Khloe?"

"Look, I'm sorry-

"I'm hella sensitive when it comes to my sister because I love her. I understand that you hate me and y'all are mourning Synara, who y'all knew way better than me, but I don't deserve to be treated like nothing, okay? I've been through enough."

"You don't make jokes out of someone's pain," I mumbled, adding in my two cents. Demon scoffed at me, "Since when are you so cuddly love-y? Didn't you used to hate Southwest here as much as Syn did?" she said accusingly.

"Maybe I've realized that she's not so bad and that we're all in this together. Figuring out Syn's backstory and healing," I argue back.

"You're the only one trying to figure out why Synara was crazy, why she was obsessed with me, why she killed herself. You ever stop to think that maybe you're starting to act like her now?"

The car went silent and I slammed on the breaks. Twisting in my seatbelt, I turned to Demon. "You don't get to say shit like that just because you knew her too. Okay? You were lucky enough to have her love you and you couldn't even return that? What's wrong with me wanting to know about my friend? What's wrong with me trying to figure out all these secrets she left behind? I know I shouldn't have planned this whole break in thing, but damn, do you have to be so heartless, Demon?"

I held my hand up when she tried to start talking.

"And what's wrong with me changing for the better? Maybe I wanna improve my life after seeing what being around you has led someone else to do. What's wrong with positivity and letting go of childish ways? We finna be outta high school real soon, Khloe. Damn. Grow the fuck up. That's what Syn's death is teaching me."

She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. "Y'all are both...full of it. Drop me off here."

"I think you should clear your head before you talk to me again, Khloe."

"I think you should stop calling me Khloe," she said, her voice emotionless, her face blank.

"Demon," Laura called out, unlocking her door and going after her. I didn't know what else to do so I locked my doors and drove off, focusing on keeping my breathing even and staying calm.

At least they left all the stuff they found at Synara's in the car. At least I have something of her still with me.

Am I really turning into Synara?

"No. I'm just grieving," I whispered back to myself.

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