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I feel like the walls are closing in, and I don't think it's because of the drugs I took before I came to school. Laura leads me to the bathroom and I'm surprised to find Demon of all people blocking off the door so that no one comes in.

After a quick sweep of the stalls, Laura turns to me, helping me dry my tear stained face with a rough paper towel. "I hate her," I glare at Demon as she places her back against the bathroom door.

Someone tries to open it and Demon holds it shut.

"You're better off without her," Laura mumbles to me. "You and Syn can start new lives without all this bullshit that makes the trio."

"Where? The school is gonna treat me how I deserve to be treated after following Demon's rules for so long- like crap. Syn hates me," my voice cracks at the last part.

"You might not have Demon's protection anymore but you're strong enough to handle these kids. You don't need money or popularity to protect what you value the most. Whether that's yourself or what you like to do or someone else. If you don't believe you can do it then you can't, Devana."

I stared at Laura and shook my head.

"Why are you being nice to me? I let Syn hurt you all those times. I've been an asshole. I've called you Southwest trash. I've hated you from the start."

"Because," Laura shook her head, "I don't know. But we can be friends now. I don't stand in your way of anything and I've said this a million times, as long as y'all leave me alone I'll keep my damn mouth shut. That means not watching me 24/7 or anything else that makes me uncomfortable. Boundaries, hello?"

"Friends then," I agreed, laughing a little, holding out my hand, then deciding to pull Laura in for a tight hug. "Friends," she repeated softly on my shoulder.

"Touching. Truly touching. Now all of my friends are gone," Demon said coldly from the door. She still held the DoorDash bag and a sour expression that probably matched one of the sauces in her bag. "All I wanted to do was protect my two best friends from the school, from the world, because I loved you like family. As best friends. But this turned into something it shouldn't be," Demon pointed at me.

"Protecting us could've been showing us love and care, not bullying people before they had the chance to know us or before they even had the chance to hurt us. You had the right intentions, Demon, I truly believe you did, but the wrong execution," I say emphatically. "You were like a helicopter parent."

"I'll still always hate Syn," Laura turned to me, handing me a damp paper towel to wet my face, "but you should let her know your feelings for her. Both of you deserve love, even if you couldn't find that with Demon."

I glanced over at Demon, too used to looking at her for direction in my life. I'd done it for three years, but this wouldn't be my fourth. "I don't care if you don't wanna see Synara and I ever again, or whatever the case may be, but I'm gonna love her the way she wanted you to love her. And I'm gonna give her everything else and more."

"She knows I don't have any feelings for her now," Demon said. "But she doesn't love you, Devana, and you know it. At least not yet. Her heart belongs to me, and unless you can change her mind, all your efforts will be a waste. I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart, not a place of hate," she says.

"Like the bottom of your heart means anything to me," I snap. "You just told the whole school you don't fuck with me anymore."

"Because you told Laura here about the party. To go if she wanted to really learn our deepest secrets. Yet you stood there and judged me back there," Demon glared. "You sold us out. You brought that upon yourself."

"They were hurting me," I said through clenched teeth. "I'm not some trained military agent. I couldn't stand it anymore. What did you expect, for me not to fold?"

Demon seemed to truly realize things for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Devana. You're right." I could sense the words on her lips before she even said them but I was already shaking my head. "I can forgive you, Demon, but no. I will not be apart of your dumb trio again. I will not be your best friend. But we can be friends again," I say firmly.

"What about Syn?" Laura asks, looking between me and Demon. At least we had jumped on the road to repairing our trust in one another. About fifteen minutes ago, I'd never thought it would be possible.

"Syn's on her own path in life. She's younger than us, we have to remember that. And although young doesn't always mean naive and stupid," Demon spits out, "in Synara's case it does. She needs her own time away from all of us," she turned to look at me, "to learn what she cares about and doesn't."

"So Syn and Dior. Never saw that coming," Laura bit her lip, smirking. "How are you gonna get her to realize that you actually love her and that y'all are done battling over Miss DoorDash over here," Laura gestured to Demon.

"Speaking of DoorDash," Demon pulled out a burger and handed it to Laura. Laura pinched up her face, "Usually, ion eat in the bathroom, but shit."

"I don't know how I'll get Syn to realize I'm serious about her and that I'm the only one for her," a sad smile came onto my face, "but in the mean time, I can focus on myself."

"A life away from strict orders," Laura shot a look at Demon as she bit into her burger. Demon rolled her eyes, "I gave the woman food and she still has shit to say." We all laughed.

"So we all good?" I ask, looking around at the two of them. "Yeah. It's just Syn that's gonna take some talking to," Demon commented.

"I'll handle that," I promise, nodding to myself.

"So I can go to the little party you're hosting?" Laura asks Demon sweetly.

"Is Syn still on the basketball team? And me?" I ask at the same time.

Demon sighed. "Yes and yes." Demon looked pointedly at Laura, "But no outside friends allowed."

"I assume Donreneé is gonna be there," Laura states.

"It's a basketball thing. All the girl's players are gonna be there. It's not only varsity, varsity only is just for sleepovers...for the most part," Demon explained. A weary expression was on her face, and I was privileged enough to know why. I went to those parties too. "Just don't be surprised by what you see there, Laura. I'm allowing you further into our world," Demon gestured between me and herself, "only because of how much you already know. You already cross me as the type who won't stop until they know everything. I'm tired of trying to stop you."

"Well, I'm glad you have the good sense to stop trying to limit me," Laura smiled happily. "And I'll be glad to help you set up anything involving the party, if I'm needed."

"Without three sets of hands to help me, I would appreciate you and Dior's help," Demon said shyly.

"I'll try to bring Syn. She usually loves the parties," I say softly. "But you have my help."

I looked up when Demon took in a shaky breath that sounded like a sob ready to come out. "I'm just so scared. Nobody will be by my side if...things get worse now," she whispers. "It's eye opening to realize just how much you and Syn did for me, Dior, and how little I actually did for you two when I thought I was protecting you."

"Worse with what?" Laura asks, looking between me and Demon again.

"Worse with my mental health," Demon admits, a half embarrassed, half forlorn look on her face.

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