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"No," I answered, not looking at Syn as I drove her and I to Laura's house on Monday. Apparently Syn's car was "broken down", but I didn't believe that lie for shit. She wanted to pester me about something, and apparently the party I was having soon was the culprit.

"No?" she repeated, next to me in the passenger seat.

I didn't answer back, figuring her question was rhetorical. "Demon, just no?" she asked me again.

"You always enjoy my parties. What's the big change, all of a sudden?"

Apparently Dior was feeling sick today from "roaming the streets in the cold last night" as she put it, so now I was left to deal with one of the most annoying people in the world. My beloved friend, Synara.


I glanced over to see Syn fumbling for her words. She wasn't the best liar, and I could tell she was keeping something from me. "What is it, Syn? Is it regarding last night?" I ask sternly.

"I can't tell you. She's blackmailing me," she frowned. "Who?" I barked, braking my car hard and whipping my head her way. If Laura was the cause of this, may Heaven fall to Earth, because I'll be raising Hell. "Devana," she whispered.

I snorted, parking my car and looking over at my youngest friend. "Are y'all seriously still arguing over me?" Syn's eyes widened and she blushed darkly. "What? How did you...no. That's not what this is," she shook her head furiously.

"You two thought I wouldn't notice? It's painfully obvious," I rolled my eyes. "I just wish you two would get along for the sake of our friendships. You're the only friends that I have and it hurts me to see you two always at odds with one another," my voice broke softly.

Syn stared down at her lap. "Well, this time it isn't a fair battle." She looked up at me and said: "One of our players is playing dirty," then she told me everything that happened last night on their stake out of Laura's house and apparently her best friend's as well.

After Syn told me everything, I had to let the information sink into my soul. Or, what was left of it. "So, Dior told them to attend my party if they wanted the information they seeked, correct?" I asked Syn.

She nodded. "I think they were doing something painful to her," her face twisted up in memory, "but still, she snitched."

"She's gonna need a whole lot more than stitches," I said darkly. I looked over at Syn again. "And she took photos of you, is that right?" Syn nodded, a dark expression on her own face. "Well," I said, turning my car back on and heading for Laura's house, "Today just might be an interesting day."

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