Chapter 21

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A/n Hello once again. I'm feeling like trash, but I'll still write. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Y/n's POV

We have a free hour, so everyone is heading to Mari's house to work on modelling her new designs. Juleka offers to model for her, and we bring Adrien along the way so he can be the one in charge of the behind the scenes stuff. 

Right before we get started, Juleka has a panic attack. Mari and everyone tell her that she doesn't need to push herself if she doesn't want to do it, but I feel like they should be just a bit more supportive of her. Mari plans to model her designs herself and Alya suggests I model them as well.

"What do you say, Y/n?"

"Well, I'm not really feeling up to it right now. Maybe next time. Adrien can do it if he wants."

"If it helps." Great. The group all take off for the Eiffel tower, while I just stay here with Juleka.

"Y/n? You're sure you don't want to come with us?" Mari lags behind, looking at me expectantly.

"I'm sure. I've already seen your designs, they're killer. I'm just gonna hang out with Juleka for a bit, I'll see you later." Mari pouts at me before turning around and walking back down the stairs.

"Y/n? W-what's happening to me? It's hard to breathe."

"Juleka, your having a panic attack. I used to get them a lot back when I was a kid. Just listen to me. Breathe in," Juleka takes a breath as I count her through it. "One, two, three, four; hold to seven. Five, six, seven. Out to eight. Six, seven, eight."

Coaching her through the breathing exercises, she's able to calm down. "Thank you Y/n."

"No problem Jules."


"Yeah, it's a nickname. Do you not like it?"

"No, no. It's not that. I love it, I just didn't expect it." A light blush paints her face as we both sit down. 

"Sorry. I know you must have been looking forward to this, but then everyone just left you behind."

"It's fine, I guess. It was really hard to push myself to model for Marinette, but now..."

"I get it. Just because you want to do something doesn't make it easy." We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Y/n? You like Marinette, right?"


"Have you ever thought about moving on? Maybe... I don't know, finding someone else?"

I lean back and think for a few minutes. "Yeah, sometimes. Some days I just think about finding someone else and letting Mari be, but then I think about her in the next second and it never sticks. Why do you ask?"

The blush on Juleka's face grows as she looks away from me. "N-no reason."

"Are you sure? It sounds like there is a reason. You can tell me anything." Jules turns to me again, staring me in the eyes, the hair clip showing me both of her eyes.

"I... had a crush on you. I have a crush on you."

"You... do?" How did I not notice that?

"Yeah. It started in middle school. First year, you were a cute shy mess, always sticking close to Marinette for support. Then, next year you came back a confident, friendly, outgoing social butterfly. You always offered to help anyone that needed it. I was going to ask you to the dance, but you had already asked Marinette."

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