Chapter 13

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A/n Hello once again. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.


Y/n's POV

I'm sitting with Mari and Alya at the fashion show. It was postponed due to Style Queen. Alya is livestreaming the event, and turns the camera towards Mari. She waves awkwardly at the camera and I do a pair of bunny ears behind her head.

A commotion behind us starts up, and we turn around to see Gabriel Agreste in the flesh. He's known for being reclusive, and hasn't made a public appearance in years.

"I... don't... believe this! Ladybloggers, a huge update! That's Gabriel Agreste; he hasn't been in public in ages."

Mr. Agreste walks up to Adrien and pulls him into a hug. This is honestly really touching. He walks over to where Mrs. Bourgeois is sitting. 

"My dear Audrey, I heard about the unforgivable misfortune you had to endure." He kisses her hand while I try unsuccessfully to pass my snicker as a cough. "I want you to know that I've fired the person who was responsible for the misunderstanding. Only one row in the house is befitting to Audrey Bourgeois and that's the first." 

"Let's not overdo it. Huh Gabriel?" It's clear she's lapping up the attention, not doing a very good job of hiding it.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

"So, so." She plucks the hat right off of Adrien's head. "This hat is not a 'Gabriel Agreste'. Are you responsible for that?" She asks, turning to Marinette. She looks around nervously. 

"Mari, you impressed the Gabriel Agreste with that hat. Own it." 

"I... I'm the one who created it."

"Marinette won a fashion design competition." Gabriel Agreste may be an eccentric at times, but never let it be said he doesn't have good taste. He knows fashion when he sees it.

"It's the most... exceptional thing I've ever seen! You're a visionary, Marinette! Glitter's had its day. Feathers are the trend of tomorrow! I haven't felt this much emotion since... you."  She turns to Mr. Agreste when she says this.

"She does have talent." Seeing Mari's talent be recognized by the two biggest names in the fashion world is incredible.

"You wanna be a fashion designer, right?" 

"Uh-uh... Yes ma'am."

"Then come to New York with me! I'll make you the biggest name in fashion! I'm sure you'll even upstage Gabriel."

...........WHAT?! She- she can't be serious? Take Mari to New York?

"My helicopter will be leaving for the airport at 8 p.m. tonight." That's even worse. I thought I might at least get a chance to spend one last day with her, maybe even talk her out of it. But no, it's going to be tonight. Why? I can't stand this. I don't want her to leave.

"It's... It's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! I've never been to New York with you and you're taking Marinette Dupain-Cheng!?" Chloe is throwing a temper tantrum, but she has a point. Take Chloe. Nobody will miss her. 

"I'm taking her because she's exceptional Claudette. Uh— Chloé." Harsh. Her own mother doesn't even know her name. That's actually really sad. Not that it makes up for all the crap she causes.

"I'm exceptional, too!"

"The only exceptional thing about you, my dear... is your mother." That's some high grade emotional damage. 

"Ugh! I'll show you how exceptional I can be!" She pulls out a small box and opens it. An orb of yellow light emerges. That must be the Miraculous Ladybug lost.

"Pollen, Buzz On!" She transforms into a black and yellow suit and takes off. We all head out, and Mari and her family take the train. I take the opportunity to walk home, think things through. Halfway home, I get a call from Ladybug. 

"Nobody, we need your help! Chloe is out of control. She caused a train to go out of control in order to make herself look better. We need your help!"

"I'm on my way." I'm glad Ladybug values me as a teammate, but what does she expect me to do to stop a train?

I race to the subway, only to find the problem solved. 

"Queen Bee! This was your doing!" Ladybug is chewing out Chloe. Seriously, do you want me to help or not? Why take the only job I can do now?

"Oh, Ladybug, you're too kind! This was teamwork. Oh, how amazing is this⁈ We're a team now!"

"You're the one who paralyzed the metro driver, aren't you? You used your power to create this situation just to make yourself look good!"

Her mother appears on a video call and calls her inept. She runs off and we give chase. Arriving at her "house" we find her room empty. Heading to the lobby we find all the guests motionless, insect stings in their necks. Chloe ambushes us, having been akumatized while she was still transformed.

Fleeing, we piece together the information needed to make a plan. Chloe catches up to us, and absolutely wrecks us. I think I may have a broken rib. Hopefully not, because we're forced to flee into the water. Why didn't I think of that earlier when I still had all my bones intact?

We all swim away. Well, they swim. Ladybug carries me, passing me her yo-yo occasionally to let me breathe. Seriously, what can't this thing do? Climbing aboard a boat, Ladybug calls her lucky charm. I'm sidelined while the dynamic duo handle Chloe. 

Walking back, I decide to take a detour to the bakery, hoping to say goodbye to Mari. Climbing into her room, I see it's empty. Sighing, I try climbing to the roof, only for the trapdoor to swing open. Mari enters, and she sees me.

"Can I ask what you're doing in my room without me?" Normally I would make a joke or something but I walk over to her and pull her into a gentle hug, kissing her forehead before letting her go. 

"I came to say goodbye." 

"B-but I... I-I'm not leaving." 

"What? But wasn't this your dream? To become a famous designer?"

Marinette looks away blushing up a storm. "Y-yeah, and it still is. But I can do that here. I would have to leave too much behind if I went to New York."

"Like Adrien, right? You've always been a romantic Mari." She blushes even harder.

"Y-yeah, him too. But I was referring to you, Y/n." That's really sweet. I pull her into another hug. She squeezes me a bit too tightly, but I'm not letting this hug go just yet. 

"I'm touched, Mari. You mean the world to me, and I was really upset you were leaving. But it looks like you're not getting rid of me just yet."

Mari buries her face in my shoulder. "Never. You're not getting away from me that easily." For a while, that's all we do. Just stand here in each other's arms, holding each other together.


A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know in the comments. Next chapter is one I've been really really looking forward to. Peace.

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