Chapter 6

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A/n Hello once again, for the second time. This may be the last update for a while. I am not going to abandon this story, but I'm probably not going to keep this daily upload thing going for much longer. Either way, thank you for reading. 


Y/n's POV

I did it. I finally told Mari how I feel. Now, whatever happens, I can get out of my own head about this. I'm trying really hard to squish that little nugget of hope that's dancing around inside me. I shouldn't get my hopes up.

"I- you- what? You, you love me?" Marinette is blushing, even away from all the lights of the party, I can still see her face illuminated in the darkness. 

"I... Yes. I've liked you since grade school. You were the first person to talk to me, even though I was an awkward weird mess. You're the sweetest girl I know. You always put others before yourself, you're smart, funny, cute, and- and-" I just start rambling, too afraid that if I take a breath I won't be able to say anything else. 

"Y/n." For the first time since I pulled her aside, I look her in the eyes.

"Y-yeah?" The hope inside me starts growing, traitorously flipping and spinning in my heart. 

"You know I like Adrien." Yep. There it is. The little bundle of hope dies inside me like it should have long ago. It only got in the way.

"Yeah. I know. He's pretty much all you talk about-" Mari looks indignantly at me. "No he isn't!" I just give her a look and she deflates. "I mean, I don't only  talk about him."

"Uh-huh. Either way, I didn't confess to you because I thought I had a chance, I confessed to you so I could get it off my chest, stop wondering and letting it weigh me down."

Marinette's blush deepens, if that's even possible. "But... you did have a chance." That single sentence freezes my blood and turns me to stone. What?

"What?" Marinette turns away from me. 

"Yeah. I had a crush on you in middle school. If you had asked me out a year ago, I would've said yes in a heartbeat. But you never did, and I moved on. Then Adrien came along, and I started crushing on him. I'm sorry. I should've said something to you."

I know Mari pretty well. She wouldn't lie to me just to make me feel better, and even if she did I would be able to tell easily. She was being dead serious. That fact burned inside me like a forest fire. If I had just had the guts to ask her out, we could have been dating already. But I was a coward and kept my feelings to myself. I had ruined my chances with her, all because I didn't just follow my heart. Mari looks at me guiltily, afraid she may have hurt my feelings. She hasn't. She accidentally broke my heart. I was prepared to be rejected, and it had stung, but I would've been fine. I would cheer her on from the sidelines, and things would go on relatively normally. But when she told me that I had waited too long, my heart just gave up the fight. 

"Don't worry Mari." Words flow out of my mouth of their own accord, trying to make her feel better. To not let her know how much it hurt. I unsuccessfully tried to swallow the lump in my throat and kept speaking. 

"I was the one who didn't have the guts to ask you out. It's not your fault I waited too long." I didn't like how hoarse my voice was. My eyes stung, but I was determined not to cry in front of Marinette. She felt guilty enough. I could cry myself to sleep tonight, but I wouldn't let Mari see it. 

"So, your not upset?" I was absolutely upset. I felt like wailing like a child, but I couldn't tell her that. 

"It's fine. You can't change how you feel about someone." I knew that from experience.

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