Chapter 11

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A/n Hello once again. 


Y/n's POV

Walking into school with Mari, we bump into Adrien. Literally in her case.

"Marinette! Perfect timing!" 

"Huh? You think so?" 

"Actually, what I meant was... I need some advice right now. Can we talk?" Oh boy. Things are about to get awkward. 

"Uh... abosutely." 

"Do you mind if I join you?" 

"Not at all. You were my second choice anyway." 

"Well, you don't have to say it out loud! I'm a bit hurt Adrien." Adrien usually laughs at my jokes, but right now he's completely silent. Is he okay? 

"Okay, well... I'm sorry, this is a bit awkward for me because it's about a girl." Oh. Oh okay.

"We see each other all the time because we study together. We've just been friends, you know. Until recently." Wait, they don't study together. Is this a false alarm?

"Now I'm starting to see her differently. Has the same thing ever happened to you?"

"Yes... no. Well, probably. What's she like?"

"She's special. Very pretty. She's got dark silky hair, deep and mysterious eyes..." This doesn't sound like Mari at all.

"Do we know her?" Let's just ask. You know what they say about assuming. 

"Yeah, it's Kagami." Mari's smile drops. "Marinette?"

"Uh... what?"

"I was just asking you what you thought I should do about Kagami." 

"The ice queen?" Mari covers her mouth, but Adrien looks at her puzzled. Great job Mari. Mari tries to cover her tracks. "The ice... rink! Yeah, that's what I said. No better place to break the ice than the ice rink."

"The ice rink? I think I'd be too shy to go there with her by myself." 

"Well, uh, I could come along with you if you'd like." Wait what? 

"You'd do that? That's awesome! I can't wait to go to the ice rink together. Thanks!"

"That's what friends are for." Turning to Marinette I give her an apologetic look. She just sighs defeatedly.


I'm currently hanging out with Mari and the rest of the girls in our friend group. It still feels a bit weird being in on this. But I guess Marinette vouching for me put them at ease. 

"This is gonna be your worst mess up in history. You have got to get yourself out of this right now. Ideas girls! Quick!" The girls all spitball ideas on how Mari can get out of joining Adrien at the ice rink. 

Mari tells them she isn't going to cancel. "Adrien really needs me and if he wants my advice then why not? After all, it's not an issue and I'm definitely not jealous because..."

Rose goes for the romantic angle, but Mari shoots her down.

"Because there's nothing between us." That's a bit of a stretch, but I see where she's coming from. But I should be supportive anyway.

"Mari, you care about Adrien more than anyone in our school. And I know he cares about you too." 

"Yeah, but he cares about me as a friend." She's got me there. I wish I knew what to say to her. After a few minutes, Mari walks off. Things are getting kinda heated with the girls, so I get up as well and join her. I find her sitting with Luka.

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