Chapter 9

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A/n Hello once again. I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter. I really liked the song I put in. Go check out JustAcoustic on YouTube if you liked it. Did I make Marinette seem unlikeable or unrelatable in the last chapter? Please let me know. Thank you.


Y/n's POV

I'm currently at the Césaire residence. Mr. and Mrs. Césaire are having a date night, and Marinette is helping to babysit Alya's little sisters. She dragged me along to help her for some reason. It's not the first time I've helped babysit, but it is the first time I've done it at someone else's house.

"Yes, Mrs. Césaire. The girls are ready for bed! Uh... technically speaking... Yeah, we're good. Enjoy the movie! Thanks for letting me bring Y/n along."

"You know, I'm not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed that Mrs. Césaire had no problem letting me stay over as the only guy in this house." 

"I would be proud. Unless you're too shy to handle a little gossip?" Alya has always had a mischievous streak, and seeing her little sisters I know it runs in the family. They were a handful. It was like having two Manon's, if they got into a gallon of coffee and the donuts to go with it.

"Well, I wouldn't have to deal with the gremlins if I was a little less trustworthy so..." Alya smacks me on the arm.

"So who are these Sapotis?"

"They're little monsters from a créole fable... who are always pulling pranks and making all sorts of mischief." The nickname fits. Alya goes on about her theories about Ladybug, while I head to the bathroom. Passing by the twins room, I hear them giggling up a storm. Hopefully it's not a big deal. Kids never want to go to bed when they should. Give them ten minutes, and they're out like a light.

Coming back, I see Alya storming off towards the kid's room. I hear her shouting at them. It's harsh, but I get it. Maybe I can play them a song. Dad would always play me a song when I couldn't sleep. It's part of why I love music so much.

The kids start giggling even louder, and we can hear it in the living room. Alya storms over to the room. "That's it! I've totally had it with these kids!" She throws the door open, and out come two tiny red monsters, propeller hats on their heads. Oh no. 

They run to the coffee table and gobble up the food. "Alya you need to work on your discipline!"

"Well I didn't expect them to turn into monsters!"

One of the Sapotis starts drinking from the fish tank. "Hey! Get out of there, fish poop in there!" The Sapotis start multiplying, and I managed to grab one, but when I smashed the hat it vanished. Guess that wasn't one of the originals. Alya rushes out of the door, and I leap out of the window and land on the fire escape. Heading up the stairs, I reach into my drawstring bag and pull out my disguise. I run after some of the Sapotis, and manage to meet up with Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Ladybug goes to destroy the hat, causing the clone to disappear. 

"How'd you know to destroy the monster's hat?"

"Because that's the only thing on them, Cat. But there was no Akuma. It must be a clone. Look." One of the Sapotis clones in front of our eyes.

Cat Noir seems a bit upset that we have to destroy them all while they're still multiplying, but we don't really have another option. At the Pont des Arts bridge, we get cornered by a bunch of them. Ladybug calls her lucky charm, and a teapot falls into her arms. 

"Of course! I know someone who can help! Gotta go!" 

"Right now? Can't it wait?" I gotta agree with Cat Noir.

Ladybug tells us she has to do it, and asks if we trust her. Obviously. She swings off, leaving Cat Noir and I alone. 

"I guess it's just gonna be the boys for now. Cat, if I can make some room, can you vault us away?"

"Of course!" So, we go to town swatting these little monsters away. I think I watched a movie like this once. 


We managed to get away, and we're doing alright for ourselves. Without Hawkmoth's direct influence, they're content to do their own thing, only a few are coming at us at a time. And just as I say that, the Sapotis start swarming us. Me and my big mouth.

All of a sudden, all of the Sapotis vanish. Ladybug and an orange foxlike superheroine arrive to help. She's reminiscent of Lila when she was Akumatized, but she's pretty obviously Alya.

"This is so insane! I've got powers and I'm fighting super-villains!" Yep. Definitely Alya.

"Whoa! Who's this superhero friend of yours? No offense, but I thought I was the only one!" Cat Noir jokes.

"Ladybug, you were going to recruit a new superhero and I wasn't your first pick? I'm hurt!" I place a hand on my chest and hamming it up. "But I get it. I'm pretty cool even without superpowers."

"Cat Noir, Nobody, I'd like you to meet...uh..." Looks like they didn't think of a cover name.

"Uh... Rena Rouge! Yeah, my name is Rena Rouge!" I like it.

Cat Noir and Rena both joke around for a bit before she turns to me. "You're Nobody, right?"

"That was a little hurtful Rena. If we're gonna be partners, you should work on your manners."

Rena giggles a little. "Nice. But seriously, you're really cool. You fight side by side with Cat Noir and Ladybug without any powers, how do you do it?"

"I lift. A lot." She seems to deflate a little. "I eat healthy, exercise religiously, and study martial arts."

Ladybug calls her lucky charm, and a unicycle appears. Grabbing a few things, we set up in an alley. A Ladybug staple contraption soon appears before us. Rena Rouge creates an illusion of an amusement park. After getting all of the hats, we turn the kids back to normal and capture the akuma. Ducking out of the way, I take of my disguise and run to where the kids were. 

I carry them back towards the house, and meet up with Marinette and Alya. 

"Hey Alya. I saw this new superhero helping Cat Noir and Ladybug out tonight. Some kinda fox themed heroine."

Alya plays the part of a shocked fangirl, but she can't fool me. I'm really proud of her, I'm sure it would be tempting to keep the miraculous, but it's not on her neck. 

"Did you see her? Did you at least know what her name was? Or what did she look like? Come on, tell me everything!"


A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

Miraculous Ladybug: Marinette x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now