Chapter 3

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I find myself roped into babysitting Manon with Marinette. Mari often babysat for Nadja, and usually asked me to join her. I had taken Manon to the park a few hours ago so I was content to kick back and let Mari and Manon play fight with the stuffed dolls. Nadja came up to get Manon. I greeted her and excused myself to the roof. It was pretty nice up here. The gentle breeze felt great and I sat there for a few minutes and I came back down to see Mari handing Manon the Lady Wifi doll. Manon went back downstairs and I cleared my throat. 

"Did she use the puppy dog eyes?" Marinette nods. "Understandable. Come on. We need to meet up with Alya." I grab my drawstring bag full of snacks and head downstairs and wait a bit for Marinette. 


Mari and I met up with Alya and headed for the subway. "Hey Alya. Hope you didn't have to wait too long." 

"Hey Y/n, Marinette. I haven't been here long. So how was Manon?" Mari and Alya continued to chat until we arrived at the subway. I stare off into space, my imagination keeping me occupied while they talk about something I can't bring myself to pay attention to.

"The movie starts in thirty minutes. Or, we could buy your book first and go to the next showing."

"Either way girl." Alya gasps. "Marinette, nine 'o' clock!"

I look over to see Adrien boarding the train and wave at him. He sees me and waves back. It's nice to see him enjoying some time alone. 

Alya drags Marinette onto the train and I follow them, apologizing to the person I bumped into while boarding.

Marinette spirals into one of her kind of cute, kind of creepy tangents about Adrien. Kind of a schoolgirl crush mixed with an obsessed fangirl stalker. Suddenly Alya starts glowing.

"What— what's going on!?" The light trails upward as her clothes are replaced with the costume of Lady Wifi.


"Marinette! Give me those Ladybug and Cat Noir dolls!" I'm confused. Why would she want Marinette's dolls? Oh. Oh no. If I'm right, then Manon has been corrupted by Hawkmoth. I need to do something. I can't stand the thought of Manon being Akumatized. 

Cat Noir arrives on the scene. 

"Cat Noir! Please keep Marinette safe, I'm going to try to intercept her." I run off after Alya, leaving Mari with Cat Noir. 


I had been following Alya for about five minutes. I had fallen behind a bit in order to get some altitude. There were a plenty of people who viewed parkour as a dangerous hobby with no real world application, but without my training I wouldn't have been able to keep up with Alya.

Finally arriving at the bakery rooftop, I silently thanked Mari for forgetting to latch the skylight. Landing on her bed, I found Alya scouring the room for the dolls. A few seconds later, I found myself side by side the heroes of Paris. 

Cat Noir teases Ladybug just as Alya  goes on the attack. I dodged a punch before throwing her back, putting up my guard. 

"How did you guys defeat her last time?" The both of them seem a bit surprised I'm still here, but Cat Noir heads to the roof, presumably to take out the wi-fi. Ladybug grabs Alya's phone and crushes it, giving one of her weaker puns if I'm honest. 

Miraculous Ladybug: Marinette x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now