Chapter 8

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A/n Hello once again. This is another episode I was looking forward to. I hope you enjoy.


Y/n's POV

I'm currently on my way to meet up with Marinette. This is the first time we're hanging out since her birthday party, and I'm a little nervous.

Reaching the door, I hear Tom say, "By the way, Marinette, who are you getting ice-cream with?"

Knocking on the door Marinette opens it and rushes out, pulling me along. I wave to Tom and Sabine, who smile knowingly at me. That's weird.

We meet up with Alya and greet her. Marinette asks where Adrien is, and Alya looks sad.

"Don't get upset, okay? But Nino just got a text. Adrien's dad isn't letting him go out."

"Once again." Mari seems really down, but I'm not sure what to say. Normally I could joke around and make her feel better, but it still feels like I'm walking in a minefield.

We meet up with Ivan, Mylene and Nino and head off to find Andre.

We meet Andre at the Pont des Arts. He's singing a song about love and all, so the couples go first, and I hang back. 

"Ah! Hello again, Y/n!" Andre is always friendly and maybe a bit too enthusiastic, but he has the best ice cream.

"Hey Andre. It's been a while." I used to eat Andre's ice cream a lot in middle school. I was kind of hoping that it would magically make Marinette fall in love with me. Maybe it worked. Too bad I waited too long. Stop thinking about it would you?

"A double scoop of blackberry, topped with blueberry if I remember correctly."

"Yeah." Andre looks over to Marinette, and asks a little too loudly, "Oh my! Is that her?" Marinette blushes and looks away sullenly. 

"Shshshsh. Things are still awkward between us. It didn't work out." Andre looks at me kindly. "Well you have to believe it will work remember?" Sighing, I nod. Grabbing my cone, I go to sit down next to Mari.

We just sit there for a few seconds. Trying desperately to do something about the silence I say, "Do you... want a bite?" Marinette gets even more upset somehow and stands up.

"And how about this young miss? The pretty one who sulks. I have a flavor just for her! It's sure to make her smile!"

"Uh... Me?" 

"You must be Marinette. I've heard plenty about you." Andre why do you have to do this to me? Marinette turns to look at me, a mix of embarrassment and for some reason anger painting her face.

"You seem conflicted my dear. But, I've never been wrong yet." Reaching into his cart, he stacks a scoop of H/c colored ice cream, followed by E/c. This was a mistake. I never should have come here tonight. 

Someone bumps into Marinette, knocking the ice cream out of her hand. Andre goes to make another cone for her, but she speaks to Andre, trying to keep her voice even.

"No. I'm not in the mood for ice cream, and I'm not in the mood for whatever set-up this is."

She turns to me, a look of exasperation, embarrassment and anger on her face. "I don't know why you put him up to this, but I already told you. I don't like you. Why can't you just accept that?" Oh. She thinks I set this up to get her to fall for me. Why did I come here tonight?

"Wait, Mari. I didn't do anything like that. I used to eat here a lot in middle school. I'm sorry. I didn't think this would happen tonight."

"I don't believe you. This crush of yours is starting to get on my nerves." Jeez, you already broke my heart once, do you have to do it again?

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