Following Her

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Hugo and Sebastian had reached the egde of the the Dark Fae neighbourhood in the early morning.

While they had been walking, the worry inside Sebastian's chest had been growing. He was worried that Jocelyn might be hurt, or worse. He knew that Jocelyn was strong, it was one of things Sebastian loved about her, but he still couldn't help but fear the worst. He didn't know what the Dark Fae wanted with her but that didn't matter to him, all that mattered was that Jocelyn needed help.

The streets were quiet and there wasn't anyone in sight, the only Fae that would most likely be out at this time of morning would be Vampires or possibly Werewolves. Vampires would be looking to hopefully feast off a stumbling drunk human that didn't know any better and would be too drunk to remember exactly what happened. Werewolves on the other hand would take the liberty of midnight hunt or perhaps an Alpha would be looking for another human to add to their pack.

Despite the lack of people Hugo and Sebastian were on high alert, this neighbourhood didn't exactly follow a stable set of laws so they wouldn't dare take any chances. Besides the moonlight and a faulty street lamp they didn't have all that much light either making them even more vulnerable to ambush.

Himself and Hugo made their way through the neighbourhood towards the Dark Fae night club, it was an equivalent to The White Rose except for the dangerous Fae and lack of accommodation. They figured it was the best place to start looking for information with the few leads they had, and Hugo had confidence that if they talked owner to owner the owner of the night club could help them out. But they were going on pure 'confidence' and that didn't lessen Sebastian's worrying.

They continued to head towards the night club, walking up a gloomy street in silence, until Sebastian couldn't help but ask "So how sure are you that the club owner is going to help us?"

Hugo looked down at him and shrugged "I have to admit" he sighed "not one hundred percent."

"Any particular reason for that?"

Hugo hesitated "well as you most definitely know, Light and Dark Fae don't necessarily get along with each other, 'tolerate' is more the word" he noticed the looked of annoyance on Sebastian's face "but I'm sure he'll find it somewhere in his heart to help an innocent girl who has been kidnapped."

Sebastian just sighed and left the conversation hanging in the air. They turned a corner onto yet another street, when a young vampire boy ran up to Sebastian. Without a word spoken the boy handed him a piece of paper that was presumably a note from someone. Sebastian was sceptical at first, but took the note from the boy and read it;

'If you want to find the girl, follow me.' It said.

Sebastian looked to the boy "who gave this to you?" The boy simply pointed at the top of the street and ran off.

Sebastian looked where the boy had pointed, and there at the top of the street stood a figure. He was too far away to see who it was or what they looked like but for a moment they seemed to make eye contact, before the figure ducked into an alley way expecting to be followed. Sebastian looked at Hugo, who nodded and they both ran up the street to follow the stranger.

They followed the stranger down an alley and onto another street. Now that they were closer Sebastian could see a few strands of long dark hair, form this he presumed the stranger was a girl and a fast one at that. The speed she ran and the muscle her body carried suggested that she was a werewolf but he couldn't be sure. The stranger lead them down more streets and through a few more alleys before she got around a corner before us and disappeared all together. It were as if she just vanished into thin air, one minute running a few metres in front of them and the next, just gone. Sebastian skidded to a stop.

"Where'd they go?" Sebastian asked no one in particular.

"No idea" he heard Hugo behind him "but they seemed to have lead us somewhere that seems promising"

It was only then, that Sebastian took notice of the tall building in front of them. It looked run down, abandoned and it definitely seemed like a place where someone could be holding Jocelyn. The fact that they could've found Jocelyn made hope blossom inside his chest.

"We're coming Jocelyn" he whispered to himself.

Hi guys!
Here is the next chapter and I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment and tell me what you think and I hope you all have a fabulous day and I love you all!!!!

<3 Sazninjacookie

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