Chapter XXI: The Fall of The Foxes

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Judy continued making her way through the warehouse, taking down more enemy guards as she went. She heard Precise Pete report to her that the ZPD was arriving at last to be for a support to them, and that gave Judy quite the boost in confidence. She had attempted several times to establish contact with Nicholas, but he seemed to be constantly busy dealing with his own troubles. However, when she called into her coms for Alex, a voice answered her, "I am here, Officer Hopps. I've been hit, but I managed to stop most of the bleeding on my own." "Don't worry; I'm heading your way now." Judy replied, "Can you give me an idea for where you're located?" "Nothing particularly comes to mind. Besides, I'm moving too, so with any lucky we will bump into each other. You're still on the second floor, right?" Alex asked. "Of course I am!" Judy replied. There had been no other stairways leading to other levels, and even if she did, there did not seem to be a need to do so. "By the way, have you seen Simeon at all?" Judy asked. "Yeah...about that..." came the hesitant reply, "He was the one who shot me." Judy froze in place, both of her ears standing erect as she heard that response. Simeon shot Alex? Then what's going to stop him from shooting Nick as well!? I knew we should never have trusted that shifty fox! Judy thought to herself angrily, wishing that she had tried harder to convince Nicholas the other night. Turning off her coms, Judy immediately picked up the pace as she searched from room to room.

Judy entered into what seemed to be a dining room, with a long dining table and a massive window facing toward the outside. Moreover, tied and gagged in a chair at one end of the table, Judy recognized Mayor Lionheart himself! Alright, while I'm here, I may as well get him free. Judy thought herself as she began to approach the mayor of Zootopia. Before she even moved a few feet, Judy felt a bullet strike her in the vest. The shot was not lethal, the vest blocking the shot as it was designed, but the force of the hit still sent Judy to the ground, causing her to drop her pistol. As she reached for her gun, a foot stepped right onto her hand, causing her quite a portion of pain. Feeling claws pierce her cheek, Judy was half-blind with more pain for a brief moment. Feeling two clawed hands grab her and place her onto the dining table, Judy happened by chance to glance up and see who was attacking her. For more reasons than one, she almost wished she hadn't.

The malicious, dark blue eyes of a fox stared her right in the face, eyes that could only belong to one individual that she knew. "Hello again, Officer Hopps." the maniacal fox told her, his toothy grin visible to her eyes. "If it isn't you, Cassius Redtail." Judy replied, her own eyes filled with hatred. "I guess you don't miss our last encounter?" Cassius commented, glaring deep into her eyes. Noticing her other arm was still free; Judy attempted to reach for her fox taser. Unfortunately for Judy, Cassius seemed to be expecting this, for he grabbed her free arm and pinned it down with his own clawed hand. "Do you remember what I told you the last time we met? Tell me if this jogs your memory." Before Judy knew what he was doing, Cassius sank his teeth into her shoulder. Judy yowled as she felt his teeth pierce her uniform and sink into her skin, now truly knowing the feeling of a predator's bite. Feeling Cassius' cheek brush against hers, she felt him place both of his paws onto her shoulders, gripping her tightly. Licking Judy across her cheek fur with his tongue, Cassius commented to his seemingly helpless victim, "I told you that I would show you what a true predator was, and now you shall experience that feeling at last." Judy's eyes were filled with horror as she knew what he was about to do, yet there didn't seem to be anything she could do. Was this how her story ended, played with like a toy by a desirous predator? Fortunately for her, the author of this story is way more merciful than that, and it was time for a "knight in shining armor" to make his appearance at last.

Judy felt Cassius' weight immediately lift off of her as a new figure appeared on the scene, yowling with righteous anger, "Get off of her!" Judy watched as Alex slammed into Cassius, sending both Cassius and himself to the ground. Hearing movement at the door, Judy watched as two more fox guards appeared on the scene, the first being a red fox with a machete and the second being an arctic fox with an MP5. While Alex keeps Cassius occupied, Judy thought to herself quickly, I will deal with these two. Diving for her gun, which lay not too far from where she was, Judy grabbed a hold and fired as quickly as she could, taking down the arctic fox with a few bullets of her own. Unfortunately, as she turned her gun to the red fox, her gun clicked. Out of ammo! Are you kidding me? Judy thought to herself, recognizing that she probably had not loaded her gun before entering the room. The fox saw his opportunity and swung wildly to strike the rabbit cop, but Judy was fast. Dodging his lethal machete, Judy drew her own knife and struck the fox in the leg. Yowling with the pain, the fox fell to the ground, falling flat on his nose. Not wishing to give him a chance to get back up, Judy struck again, ending the fox's life. Looking back toward Alex, a more pitiable sight met her eyes.

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