Chapter XI: Don't Test The Savage

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It did not take long for Judy or Nick to exit the building, the polar bear remaining at their backs. Looking out onto the snow-covered blacktop, they saw Mr. Manchas awaiting them in the driver seat of the limo. "You two ready to head back?" the jaguar asked. "Yes we are, Mr. Manchas. Take us back, if you would please." Nick replied sincerely. Neither the fox nor the jaguar expected what happened next.

As soon as Mr. Manchas stepped out of the limo, a bullet struck him right in the shoulder. Nick watched in horror as Mr. Manchas collapsed into the snow, his hand over his wound. Hearing a grunting noise from behind, both Judy and Nick saw the polar bear attempt to pull out his pistol, seconds before he was shot 3 times by a gun from the darkness. Nicholas could not hear any loud gun shots, and thus something told him that whoever was firing clearly had a silencer on his weapon. Turning back around to face Mr. Manchas, Nicholas identified a silhouetted figure standing by the white limo. The figure seemed to point to the wounded jaguar, clearly signaling him to leave the area. Nicholas watched in disappointment as the jaguar took off from the driveway, leaving the two officers stuck with this new figure. Can't say I blame him. Nick thought to himself. Both Judy and Nick kept their hands by her pistols as they saw the silhouetted figure step into the light at last, revealing his identity to the two officers.

It was none other than Mr. Savage himself! He still looked as he always did, wearing a black tuxedo with the same bowtie, but now he had a pistol with a silencer in his hand. He held his gun tightly as he approached the two officers, his words filled with condemnation, "I did not expect a meeting such as this, fellow officers, but my hand has been forced." Nick was still contemplating the scene before him, still shocked that Jack was there with them, "Mr. Savage? What are you doing here?" "I could say the same for you two." Jack replied, "Is it normal for two officers to hastily arrive here nearly 30 minutes before the rest of their fellow officers arrive?" Nicholas knew that he had a point there, but he was not going to back down just yet. Besides, the jackrabbit still had not answered his question. "Do you realize that you just injured an innocent limo driver and killed a polar bear in cold blood?" Nick demanded. "Something tells me they got what was coming to them, Mr. Wilde." Jack replied, "Especially in the case of the polar bear. If I'm not mistaken, isn't he part of the Mob?" Nick looked back at Jack, recognizing where he was going, but replying nevertheless, "Jack, I know what you are thinking, but this isn't what it looks like. The mammals in this building are not the ones you are looking for." "Then surely you wouldn't mind if I took a look inside, would you?" Jack asked craftily, not seeming to believe him at all. "That won't be happening." Nick stated strongly, blocking his path. He could have not been more surprised when he saw Jack aim straight for his chest, his fingers ready on the trigger.

Before he or Jack could react, Judy stepped in front of Nicholas, her hands extended toward Jack and blocking the jackrabbit's line of fire. Her tone was like that of a plea as she spoke to Jack, "Jack, please don't do this." Nicholas noticed a change in Jack's expression as Judy took a stand in front of him, his words reflecting that change, "Officer Hopps, step out of the way. Don't force me to do this." "If you are threatening my partner, then you are threatening me, Mr. Savage!" Judy stated strongly, her eyes blazing with defiance. Nicholas wondered what Jack was going to do, but Jack wasn't going to leave him hanging. Jack's eyes seemed to bear the hint of regret as he spoke, "I'm sorry it came to this, Officer Hopps, but there is something that you seem to have forgotten about me." Before Nicholas realized what he meant, Jack told her darkly, "Don't test the Savage." Without another word, Jack took aim with and fired his pistol, striking Judy in the leg.

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