Chapter III: A True Predator

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Roughly 5 days had passed since the two officers had met with Finnick. Judy and Nick passed through the week with little difficulty, continuing to do their work and making the world a better place. Besides the fact that they were good officers, Judy and Nick knew that there was another reason for their easy going in the past week or so. The ZPD had been receiving quite an influx of recruits at late, and it was all due to the good work and inspiration that both Judy and Nick had provided to many mammals in Zootopia.

One of these mammals was a timber wolf with blue eyes by the name of Alex Satur. Alex Satur joined the ZPD roughly 3 days ago, his younger brother still having at least a few more months left before he left the police academy. He had proven himself not only as a reliable cop, but thanks to his father's love to go out shooting, he was also a skilled marksman; an able sniper if the ZPD ever needed one. As he had hoped, he had indeed been assigned to Precinct 1, the same Precinct in which Judy and Nick worked. Both Judy and Nick enjoyed his company, seeing in him a similar spirit and a desire to make the world a better place, even if it meant of course only one city at a time.

It is a warm Saturday night, and thus these 3 officers were off duty for the time being. Taking advantage of the situation, the officers made their way toward a place that was essentially forbidden to them while they were on duty: a taco bar located in Sahara Square near the water (They couldn't be there while on duty? One can only wonder why). Being adults as they were, their taste buds had adapted enough and had grown to acquire and get used to the taste of alcohol, and as such that would be the delicacy they would enjoy while at the bar.

When they arrived at the bar, several singers happened to be there, playing one of their best songs and urging the crowd to get up on their feet. Though Alex preferred finding a good spot for the 3 of them, both Judy and Nick were not about to let this opportunity slip through their fingertips, and thus they joined hands and came together to the dance floor.

Summary of BAILANDO- Enrique Iglesias ft. Descemer Bueno, Gente De Zona (English Version)

Judy and Nick took their place at the dance floor, dancing very fluently together with the lyrics. As one might expect, the dance is filled with romantic movements. Unbeknownst to the couple, a dark figure with a foxlike visage lurks in the background, keeping his eye on Judy as the song plays on.

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When the song was finished, the couple finally took their seats at the bar beside Alex. There, they were greeted warmly by the bartender, a bull with similar features to Bogo but with a much kinder persona and gentler nature about him, "Welcome my dear mammals to the Great Longhorn Bar. Being a Saturday and all, certain liquors are half off if you wish to choose them." Judy, Nicholas and Alex all thanked him for his advice, and they proceeded to choosing their drinks from the menu. As was the custom in Zootopia, each of the officers got the appropriate cup size for their species: Judy's being the smallest, Nicholas' being about medium-sized, and Alex's being slightly larger than Nicholas'. Once their cups were filled, they all drank away and gave themselves over to warm and light-hearted conversation, though the chances of the conversation having any real substance was minimal at best.

Judy was truly enjoying herself, glad that she and Nick were spending all the time they could together, both in and out of work. For the ex-con that he was, he had seemed to transition into "law and order" quite well, showing little signs of his past. Judy could tell that he was also enjoying himself quite a lot, and she did hope that she was causing part of that enjoyment. Alex occasionally seemed a little gruff toward her and Nick, but she could tell that he was only trying to act professional, doing what he could to prove to others that he could be reliable and should be taken seriously. If anything, Alex only made work at the ZPD more interesting, for his knowledge on weaponry and many other aspects of being an officer or a marksman was quite prolific.

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