Chapter XXIV: A Promise is A Promise

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The day was Sunday, and the weather could be defined by a single adjective: rain, rain, and even more rain. Normally under conditions like these, many mammals would do what they could to stay indoors or seek other forms of shelter. But for many mammals within Zootopia, they all had to make their way toward a graveyard, all to become witnesses to one of the most powerful ceremonies conducted in this world. The moment of one's death has always been seen as a time of significance by many, and for 3 animals that day, this was their time.

Judy had chosen to wear a black dress for the occasion, feeling that the color fit the mood in the atmosphere. Many mammals that she recognized were there with her. Nearly every officer was there, including Nicholas, Chief Bogo, and Clawhauser. Fru Fru and Judy (Judy's goddaughter) were there as well, carried by Raymond and Kevin. Mr. Manchas and Finnick had also made it their priority to be there, and even thought she could not see him, her nose told her that Jack Savage may have been present there as well. The caretaker and priest were there as normal, but the mammals of focus that day were not the animals present for the funeral, but rather the mammals being buried themselves. Three funerals were to take place that day for 3 different mammals, every one of them mammals who had made an impact on Zootopia in the past weeks.

 Three funerals were to take place that day for 3 different mammals, every one of them mammals who had made an impact on Zootopia in the past weeks

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The first two mammals to be buried that dreary day were Mr. Big and Sinon Vulpes. Considering their relations with each other, alongside the relative ease of placing Mr. Big on Sinon Vulpes' chest, these two mammals were to be buried together. Just as he had promised, Nicholas had indeed purchased a small skunk-butt rug to be wrapped around Mr. Big, and if was not for the rain or the respect the animals there felt for Nicholas, many mammals probably would have left by this point. After the priest gave the formal greetings and words of the ceremony, he asked if any mammals would like to come and speak about any of the recipients of the burial. At this request, Nicholas came forward to speak for Mr. Big. His speech was brief, but it was nonetheless thick with emotion as he spoke, "Mr. Big was a good friend to me, both in my younger years and until his final moments. His generosity was boundless to folks like me, and in many ways, he was a true Zootopian at heart. He was like an uncle to me, and even though we had times where we quarreled with each other, I knew I could always trust him to help me and Judy when we needed it. I was with him in his final moments, and even there he showed nothing but humility and submission to his fate. Mr. Big, Zootopia will be a very different place without you." Judy knew that he had chosen his words very carefully, and for the purposes of the funeral, she understood that it did not seem fitting to mention his Mob relations and dealings. Mr. Big would be remembered as a dear friend to Nick Wilde, and personally that was how Judy would have wanted it too.

Once Nicholas stepped back into the crowd, Judy watched as Chief Bogo came up to speak at the podium. Is he going to say something about Mr. Big as well? Judy wondered. As it turned out, the speech that Bogo would give here was focused on Sinon Vulpes, and with a strong voice, he gave his speech, "I never knew Sinon myself, but I will say that from what I have heard of him, he was a very incredible fox. He had a great intellect like Officer Wilde here, and despite his youth, he was a strong leader of his group. In many ways, as Wilde does for us time and time again, Sinon showed to Zootopia the potential that even smaller predators have, the differences they can make on this city. It is only a pity that he was not a mammal who wished to serve the city, using his skills to help all of us in Zootopia." Amazingly enough, Bogo did not end there.

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