Chapter XVIII: Canines United

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Nicholas heard the sounds of an ambulance siren loud and clear in the air as he slowly regained consciousness, and he felt certain that all of the ZPD had likely been alerted to his location. Feeling something pressing into his face, Nicholas opened his eyes and saw what looked to be an airbag in front of him. Looking over at Alex, he saw his fellow wolf cop face-planted into an air bag as well, but from the looks of it was still alive and speaking. That is good. Nick thought to himself. The last thing he needed was for another friend of his to get severely hurt or killed for his sake. Reaching out to shake his friend awake, doing so successfully, Nick heard the radio on Alex's vest kick in. The voice that spoke clearly belonged to Bogo, and he could tell that his voice had a commanding tone to it, "Officer Satur, are you okay? If you are, and Nick Wilde is with you, then you are to bring him to me immediately. Chief Bogo, over and out."

Alex had been conscious enough to hear Bogo's order, and when he looked over at him, Nicholas could see fear in his eyes, "Nick, I know that this may sound foreign for officers like me, but I do not want to obey Bogo's order. I suggest that you get out of here immediately. I will delay the other officers while you escape." Nick understood what he was saying, but he refused to follow through on that plan, "Alex, I thank you for your ceaseless loyalty, but if Bogo wishes to see me, then I will see him. I will not run and hide as if I am a fugitive of justice!" "But you will be if you go to him!" Alex protested, "You and I know fully well that he wasn't pleased with you getting involved already, and as far as he knows, he probably thinks you are responsible for injuring Jack and failing to catch the enemy and inciting a scurry. He will arrest you, Nick Wilde!" "Will it be any different if I try to hide?" Nick asked. Before Alex could answer, Nicholas made his way out of the cop car, ready to head out and face his chief. "Wilde!" Alex shouted as he too got out of the wrecked cop car. "Don't try to stop me!" Nick told him back, not wishing to be hindered. Before he moved another foot, he felt Alex take a hold of his arm, his words reflecting a desperate eagerness, "I know I can't stop you, but I can at least come with you." Turning to face Alex, smiling once again as he admired Alex's commitment to their friendship, Alex and Nick made their way toward Jack's vehicle, wondering if Jack had survived the crash.

As it turned out (though neither Nick nor Alex were surprised), Jack had indeed survived the crash. Like them, Nicholas saw that he too looked pretty well-off considering the collision, but he did have a few cuts on his face from broken glass and his neck looked as if it ached like crazy from whiplash. Alex and I can certainly sympathize with that. Nick thought to himself, feeling the same type of injury on his face and neck and noticing that Alex seemed to feel the same way. Even though he guessed that Jack had spotted or heard them approaching, he gave no sign that he did, and something told Nicholas that no matter how much he may have wanted to, Jack was in no state to attack him for the time being.

The sound of police sirens told Nicholas what he would be expecting. Watching as several police cars arrived on the scene, Nicholas saw Chief Bogo be the first to exit his vehicle. The look in his eyes was smoldering with anger, and it did not take a logician to understand the reason why. "Wilde, Satur, come over here." Bogo ordered sharply. Nicholas and Alex obeyed immediately, both of them supporting each other as Bogo began to give his report to Nick on what "wrongs" he had committed and was now held accountable for. The remainder had already zeroed in on their position, and Nicholas could only watch enviously as they stood by their chief, suffering none of Bogo's berating. You guys are luckier than you can believe. Nick thought to himself. Nevertheless, he wanted to pay attention to what Bogo had to say, and thus he listened closely, Alex continuing to provide him what physical support he could.

"Let us see here, Mr. Wilde." Bogo stated, giving the report loud and clear to him in his drill-sergeant voice, "Involvement in a secret meeting behind the ZPD's back, disobeying a direct order to stay out of the case when discharged from duty, inciting a lethal scurry which could easily have threatened the lives of many bystanders and pedestrians, and from what I hear it was a shot fired from your car which caused the injury in Jack's shoulder. Is this all not true?" "Yes sir, all of it is true." Nick replied, noticing once again with irritation that Bogo was not allowing for an explanation. "Then by the authority of the law, you are under arrest. Officer Satur, arrest this fox." Bogo ordered Alex, almost spitting out the last word as if it was dirt in his mouth. Looking back at Alex, he saw no conflict in his eyes, and his look instead seemed to be filled with nothing but defiance. His reply reflected the same emotion, "No sir." "Officer Satur, that was a direct order. Arrest this fox now!" Bogo demanded. "I'm sorry sir, but I cannot fulfill that order!" Alex shouted back, and Nick could see that everyone around them (including Bogo himself) were surprised to see this rookie cop defying him, "Nick has more info on those vicious foxes who kidnapped the mayor more than the rest of you combined. Putting him in jail sir will only help the enemy. If you wish to arrest him, then you will have to go through me!" Unfortunately for both officers, Bogo did not seem moved at all as he gave his new order, "Well Wilde, it seems as if you have caused another of my officers to betray me. McHorn, Rhinowitz, arrest these two immediately!" Neither Alex nor Nicholas could escape the mighty grip of the rhinos as they held their hands behind their backs. Is the whole city against us? Nick thought to himself, wondering how he and Alex could possibly get out of the situation without doing something that would truly get them convicted.

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