6. Pandora's box (Izuna)

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I chewed my pen a little, continued my scribble; a jellyfish.

I had this bad habit of always having to use my hands in some way while concentrating. Not daring to bring my laptop to lectures as I couldn't afford a new one if I accidentally broke it, I always had a notepad and pen in lectures, which at least meant I could scribble, and I always did. My notepad was full of notes, yes, but also of whimsical drawings of sea creatures and seashells and planets and stars and moons.

The lecturer asked a question. My hand shot up.

"I think it's interesting to read a vision about the future from the past", I said. "You can see how influenced they are by the time they live in. Personally, I would've preferred it if Mr Huxley left out descriptions of fashion. That way, it would have been more believable. Or, at least, less unbelievable."

The professor smiled.

"I agree with you. The outfits in Brave New World sound hideous. The question is, how would he have described them? How would you have done?"

I chewed my pen a little.

"You need to describe it somehow, yes. But do it without detail. For example ''She wore a white gown matching not only the latest fashion, but the fashion that was predicted for next season'"

"That's a very good way. Any other thoughts?"

A warm discussion burst out in the lecture theatre. I smiled, finishing my jellyfish. As the lecture finished, I packed up my things in my backpack, stood up to leave. I kept my head down as I left, a strange contrast to how much I loved participating in lectures. I knew I already drew attention to myself in theatres, had decided that couldn't be helped and I might just as well go for it; if anyone had seen one of my films they would recognise me whether I spoke or not. The corridor, however, was another matter entirely. So I kept my head down, walked on...

Straight onto someone else.

"Oh! So sorry, I-"

I looked up. Shit. It was the principal, a middle-aged woman who was very well-dressed.

"Mr Uchiha. Do you ever check your student email?"

I swallowed. I didn't, trying to convince myself that nothing of importance could appear there but really, it was because I was afraid of something just like this; being contacted by a member of staff who had found out what I did on the side.

"I've been wanting to reach you to book a meeting. I need a word."

My heart froze to ice. No...

"Can we speak here?" I asked, voice weak. Somehow, the embarrassment of speaking to your principal in the corridor didn't outweigh the pressure of coming to her office.

"No. My office."

I clutched the strap of my backpack harshly, my nails, kept longish short and painted a metallic jade green, digging into the fabric as I walked behind her to her office. I thought I saw people glancing at me I'm out of the corner of my eye; I didn't dare to look up, afraid that what I saw would confirm the glances I suspected and was so afraid of. I just followed the tall woman's heels and pencil skirt to wherever she took me, my mind racing in a panic. Should I try to convince her it wasn't me in those videos? Say I had an identical twin who used my name? Should I try to defend it, saying it was outdated to be against it? Should I try to play surprised, that I absolutely couldn't have guessed that it was inappropriate? Should I apologise and say that of course I would stop?

I felt a pang of something then.

But I don't want to stop... Not now I've met...

"Step in." She held up the door to me and I stepped in. "Please, have a seat."

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