4. Tobirama (Izuna)

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Sometimes, when I had lactic acid in my legs, I imagined my muscles being bathed in actual acid, like water washing over a shore.

It was ridiculous because one, that wasn't how it happened and two, the thought made me all dizzy because it was so unpleasant to me.

But if I managed to hold that thought at bay, I appreciated having lactic acid in my legs because it meant I was working.

Sweat was pouring down my forehead as I jumped my co-worker, who was on his back in front of me. My hair was free, tumbling down my shoulders and back, wild as I fucked. The hotness of the situation wasn't decreased by the fact that my co-worker was incredibly handsome. He had a nerdy face with brown hair slicked to the side and black-rimmed glasses, and it was all contrasted by a tall and muscular body. He grabbed on to the softness of my thighs as I rode him, and he looked at my face which I appreciated, biting his lip which I also appreciated.

What was more tricky with gay porn between two men as compared to straight or lesbian porn was that you couldn't really feign an orgasm. It was usually not a problem, but I had been angry at some shots, snapping at my co-workers to please put in some effort because I wasn't going to come by myself, if that was what they thought. Fortunately, I was desired enough as an actor that I could do that; the directors usually agreed with me. This man, however, gave me all he got. My screams as I orgasmed were exaggerated, yes, but not that much, and I believed that if I had tried to remain completely silent, I would have failed.

Then I sucked him until he came, too.

He handed me a towel when we were done, and gave me a quick hug before we parted, a rare treat.

"I hope to film with you again", he said.

I thanked him.

I wondered what it would be like to date him.

I wondered what it would be like to date anyone.

My legs were bathing in lactic acid.

"I'm home!"


I smiled.

"I haven't even taken my shoes off yet, mom!"

"Oh, then do that! I have mopped the floor."

"But it's my week to clean, mom!"

My mom came out into the hallway clad in an apron and with a wooden spoon in her hand, planted a kiss on my cheek. I hoped I didn't smell of the nerdy brunette's cologne.

"I wanted to treat you. Come and taste."

I walked in behind her. She had a lot of rice in the oven, and a pot of something that smelled delicious on the stove. She took a teaspoon from a drawer, blew on it and gave it to me. I took a bite.

"Wow! What is that?"

"Sweet potato stew with peanut butter. I'll add spinach at the end. We'll have it with rice and lemon."

"Thank you", I said, excited in that way only good food could excite you; a warm, happy form of excitement without any hint of the nervousness.

"How was work at the library?"

I blushed. I hated lying to my mother.

"It was okay. Quite boring actually."

That was a lie as well, I thought as my mind went back to the nerdy brunette. Work had been far from boring.

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