Chapter 22

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I woke up in a dimly lit cell. I tried to move, put i had shackles on my arms and legs. I started to panic. I yanked at the chains but they wouldnt budge. I quickly looked around the cell. I had no clue where i was, who kidnapped me, or why in the first place. It couldnt be hell that kidnapped me. Crowley was the king, and he wouldnt let this happen. Then it hit me. If it wasnt hell, then it must be heaven. If heaven kidnapped me, i in heaven?? How would Dean and Sam find me?? I started to panic again. But held back my tears. Crying wouldnt help. I looked around the room for any kind of sharp rock to try and damage the shackles, but there was nothing. Then i heard a door open outside of the cell. I tried not to make a sound. A guy walked to the door of my cell. "Wh-who are you?" I stammered. "They just sent me in here to get answers." He replied mysteriously. I shuddered. He unlocked my cell and stepped inside. I noticed he had a black bag hanging over his shoulder. I wondered what was in it. "Now. We can do this the easy way." He said opening the bag. "Or the hard way." He pulled a long sharp knife out of his bag. I gulped. "I need you to tell me why you kidnapped Metatron." He demanded. "Meta-who?" I asked confused. "Dont lie to me." He shouted, moving closer. I tried to back away, but the shackled wouldnt let me move any farther. "Where is he?! Last chance." He growled. "I-I dont know! I swear!" I cried to him. "The hard way it is then." He moved so close i could feel his hot breathe on my face. He dragged the knife across my skin, barely cutting it. Then he sliced in. I yepled. "Ple-eea-ssee" I whined. I dragged it back up my arm, tearing and slicing my skin. I screeched in agony. Then he took the knife out. The blood dripped down my arm, staining my clothes. It still felt like the knife was slicing through my body. "Please." I said softly, one last time, as he got ready to slice open my other arm. "You really dont know do you?" He said. I felt a glimmer of hope. "No." I whined. "Well that means your useless to me. Just a wasted if space." He said. He put the knife up ti my throat. "Wait! Wh-what are you doing?!" I choked out. "Just getting rid of what i dont need anymore." And with that, he began.

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