Chapter 21

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It was a Sunday, and we were all just sitting around. But everything finally was back to normal. As normal as it would get. Dean was chowing down on some bacon and eggs. Sam was reading the newspaper, and Cas..i think he went off to do something. Who knows. "Im gonna go for a walk." I told the boys. It was a beautiful spring day. There wasnt a cloud in the sky. "Be careful." Dean said through a mouthful of food. "Mmkay" i said. I walked out of the bunker, the rocks crunching under my shoes. I got to the road and started walking. It had only been a little over a week since everything happened, but i felt better. I observed how the trees blew in the wind. I watched the sun slowly move higher into the sky. The only sound was the wind, and the occasional car driving by. I was glad to be out of the bunker. A white van was driving towards me. I thought nothing of it. Then it slowed down. It was following me. I started to walk faster. It went faster. It was right up behind me. Fuck this shit. I ran full speed ahead. The van sped up, almost catching up. I ran full speed. I could hear my heart beating in my ears as i tried to run faster. The cut in my leg was almost healed, but was starting to throb from this. I ran into the forest, and kept running. When i was farther away from the road i slowed down, until i was walking. I stopped, and leaned up against a tree. I shakily pulled out my phone and tried to dial Deans number. No service. I threw my phone on the ground with frustration. As i processes what was happeneing i started to get more and more nervous. I got ready to run deeper into the forest. Then i heard a stuck crack. I held my breathe. My heart skipped a beat. Then i heard more footsteps. I didnt dare even breathe. I had to get out of there. I got ready to sprint, or kick some ass. Then all of a sudden some one jumped infront of me. I tried to scream, but someone came behind me and put there hand over my mouth. I kicked and punched in every direction, but there were too many of them holding me down. Then i saw them with a syringe filled with a wierd liquid. They moved it closer to my arm. I tried to scream again, but i couldnt. They stuck the needle into my arm, injecting the wierd liquid. My eye sight started to get hazy. Then it slowly disapeared. Everything went silent. I passed out, in my captors grasp.

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