Chapter two

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I climbed into the passenger seat of Deans Impala. Im not that into cars, but it was beautiful. I stared out the window trying to process everything as we sped past my school. I would never see my family again, or my friends. Never go to another concert, or have another party. Never have a real life. Everything was gone. Things were perfect, and in seconds, it was all wiped away. A tear slid down my cheek, than another. Before i knew, i was trying not to burst. Tears leaking out of my eyes, leaving my cheeks damp and stained. Dean startled me by putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked over at him and our eyes met. "Why is everyone and everything after me?" I tried to suppress my sobs. "I promise i will explain everything, lets stop and get some grub" Dean smiled sympathetically. Dammit! I thought. Whys the guy that saves me, have to be so attractive. I was already getting self conscious, and decided to make the best of this situation. I liked him, so why not try my best. I was in skinny jeans and a black tank with a cardigan. I took off the sweater cardigan thing, and threw it in the back seat. Dean looked over at me, raising an eyebrow. I stifled a smile. " what? Im hot" I said in a retarded voice. I always end up looking like a retard in front of guys i like. Dean just chuckled and continued driving. We stopped at a burger king after an hour or so of driving. "Man, ya gotta love burgers" Dean mumbled as he took a giant bite out of his cheeseburger, staring at it with a smile. I just laughed. "Do you know where that meat comes from? Poor tortured animals" i took a bite of my salad. Dean rolled our eyes. "Wait till you meet my brother, you two can be hippies together" Dean smirked. After Dean payed for the food, we hopped back in the car. "Do you have any good music?" Dean pulled out some cds and started flipping through them. "Look through these" he handed me the stack. I pulled out "Dark side of the moon" by Pink Floyd. It was my favorite Floyd album. "Good choice" Dean flashed a smile at me, and put in the cd. We drove for another couple hours, when Dean pulled into a motel. "We wont make it to the bunker for a while, lets crash here" we went into our motel room. The ugly plaid wall paper was peeling off the walls, and the floors were stained with who knows what."Im gonna take a shower i guess" Dean just said "k" and flipped open his laptop. I hopped into the shower, letting the steaming hot water rush over me, combing my hands through me hair. I climbed out, grabbing for the towel. "Dammit" i left my change of clothes in the other room. Then i had an idea. I wrapped the towel around me tightly, pushing up my breasts, and i combed through my hair, to make myself look as presentable as possible. I cracked open the door. "Dean, i left my clothes out there, can you grab em for me?" "Sure" Dean replied. He grabbed my stack of clothes and handed them to me. I purposely dropped them, allowing my braw and lace panties to show. "Oops" i acted embarrased. Dean and i crouched down at the same time, and i leaned in allowing him to stare down my towel. I picked up my clothes and stood up. Dean flashed an almost flirty smile. Maybe it was just my imagination. I changed into my high waisted shorts and a crop top, and sat next to Dean at the round plastic coffee table. I couldnt stop glancing up at him, as i researched stuff on my phone. His eyes were beautiful. He looked up as i was staring at him. "Is there something on my face?" "No" i smiled, my cheeks turning red. "Im a, um, im gonna go get some shut eye" i smiles nervously. "Okay, goodnight." Without even thinking i went up and hugged him. He was super suprised for a couple moments, but then he put his arms around me and squeezed back. Then i kissed him on the cheek. "Night" i quickly turned around and climbed into bed. A kiss on the cheek? Really Cierra?? That so lame. I thought to myself before drifting off.

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