Chapter 10

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I quickly pulled myself off the floor, and stared into the darkness. "You could turn on the lights" the voice said again. I quickly searched for the switch and flipped it. The room lit up, exposing an entrance into a smaller room. I went in. A guy was handcuffed to a chair. He was in his late 40's and was the owner of the british voice. "Who are you?" I demanded. "Im Crowley. The king of Hell. Your friends are keeping me as prisoner" He scoffed. "The king of hell??" I stuttered. "Thats what i said" He rolled his eyes. "Well are you gonna finish your" He chuckled. "My what?" I said angrily. "All the crying" He replied. I hastily wiped the tears from my cheeks, and sighed. "Just so you know, you can trust me. I keep my word." Crowley said hesitantly. I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah..says the guy shackled to a chair in a dungeon.." I replied. I thought of Dean probably looking for me. I immediatly felt guilty for running away. "Hasta la vista baby" i said with snark in my voice. I flicked my hair back and walked out of the room, tuning out whatever the demon was saying. I shut the door, and walked to the main room. Dean was sitting at the table, gazing off into space. "Dean." I said. "Cierra?" Dean got up, and came over. He pulled me into a hug. "You can talk to me." He said, looking me in the eyes. I just glanced at the floor. "Im going to check out a case, and check up on Cas, wanna come?" Dean asked. "What about Sam?" I wondered. "Hes uh..not coming.." Dean said with disappointment. "Oh.." I just said. "Lets go" Dean grabbed the keys, and we headed out to the Impala. We got im and drove off on our way to follow the case.
Dean and i pulled up to a Gas n' Sip. He shut off the engine and we got out and went in. Cas was working the register. "Hey Cas" dean said with a smile. "Dean..Cierra.." Cas said suprised. Cas explained how he got a job and that he couldnt leave. Then we left. Dean made me stay in a motel room do he could go check out the case. He didnt want to "put me in danger". Then he picked me back up. I slid into the back seat since Cas was in the passenger. "Cas's got a date" dean told me with a laugh. "Oh really" i smiled at him. "Thats really good!" I said again. "Yeah.." Cas said awkwardly. We pulled up to Cas's dates house. "Wait, Cas read this" i handed him my phone. It was a wikihow about ur first date. Dean fixed up how Cas looked and then Cas got out and went up to the door. Me and Dean drove off. " shit" i Said. "What?" Dean said. "Cas has my phone, can we turn around?" I asked. "Sure" Dean turned around. I got out and ran to the door. Cas answered it. "Come in" he said. "What about" I asked. Cas sighed. "Turns out it was just a babysitting job." I felt bad for him. "Why dont i stay and help?" I pondered. "That would be nice" he said. I told Dean what happened and that i was gonna stay. Then i went back in with Cas.

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