Chapter 12

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" and Cas.." Dean pondered. I just rolled my eyes. "There isnt any "me and Cas" it was a one time thing." I replied. Dean shook his head, still not believing me. Me and Dean pulled into the car garage in the bunker. He shut off the engine, and we strolled inside. Sam was sitting at the table on his laptop. He was probably researching something. "Hey" Dean and I said in unison. "Hey" Sam replied. Dean headed for the kitchen, and i sat down at the table infront of Sam. I felt so bad for Sam. Hopefully it will all be over soon, i thought. I got up and went to the kitchen to wear Dean was. "Hey.. Im kinda in the mood to.. Ya know" Dean said as i walked in. "Yeah me too" I said with a grin and Dean picked me up in his arms. I put my arms around his neck. Sam just rolled his eyes as we made our way to the bedroom. Then you probably know what happened next. As we were finishing i rolled over onto something hard (not Deans dick, although that was pretty hard too). I pulled it out from under me. I had accidently called Castiel while Dean and i were fucking. I quickly hang up. "Ohmygawd Dean i screwed up" I cried. "What?" He said. "Cas heard EVERYTHING!"

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