Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Didn't you also get hit by a knife?" Steve's shoulders were broad enough that they dwarfed Rem's lap. Still it didn't seem like she was bothered by his weight resting on her and it wasn't like he would rest all of it against her. There was a subtle sting as she ran her fingers over a laceration on his shoulder, tracing the barely sealed wound with her fingers.

"I did, but I heal very fast," Rem responded, combing her slender fingers through his beard.

Rem cupped her hands over the wound and light seeped out from between her fingers as she began to cast a healing spell. Being healed with magic didn't sting like antiseptic or have general discomfort that came with being stitched up, it actually was an overall pleasurable feeling.

Of course, that could have been enhanced by the fact that he was snuggled up against Rem. There was something new and invigorating about the experience. Steve had known women, been around them, and gone out on dates. He had once claimed that he didn't have time for the regular sort of life that someone his age might engage in where he went on dates with someone he met at work or in a bar or online.

He didn't think that this would be the way that things ended up for him and he wasn't sure how to feel now that this was what had happened.

"If we stay cooped up like this all day we're going to miss breakfast," Steve said.

"Oh dear," Rem scurried to get out from under Steve, so he lifted his shoulders up to give her some room. She bounded off of the bed, crawling across the floor on all fours trying to collect up bits of clothing.

All the while she muttered to herself. "Cut. Bloody. Dirty." She got to her feet and went to her closet to pull out a fresh copy of the Roswaal Manor servants uniform that she wore. This one had a slight variation in it, seemingly making it longer for cold weather. There were others beside it that looked like the one she had been wearing before, but she left those where they were.

Rem dressed quickly and fixed her hair in the mirror. Steve tried not to look as he got to his feet and picked up the rest of the room.

"I'll see you downstairs. Sorry, I have to go help in the kitchens." Rem charged out of the room headed in one direction and then quickly doubled back to head the other way.

With her gone it was like some kind of shroud had been lifted. The two of them something of a whirlwind night and though he had thought she was beautiful even before all of this, he had never really associated that beauty with an attraction to her. Then she kissed him, it had been so like the Elsa kiss weeks ago and yet it made him feel so different.

The next thing he knew he was kissing her on the lips, the neck, the chest—Steve had never thought you could just kiss like that for hours and maybe if he had talked about this stuff in a barracks bunk full of troops they would have laughed at him, but he could see himself spending a lot more time finding ways to just kiss Rem.

Steve stretched his shirt, pulling it on over his head and arms before bending down to retrieve the uniform top he had worn the previous night. Just then he glanced up to see May standing in the doorway eating a small glass bowl of something white and creamy. Yogurt, he guessed.

She stared at him. "Sorry, I was just caught off guard by your—" May paused, though there was an indication on what had made her stop.

"Sorry, about that ma'am," Steve said. "Should have closed the door."

May poked her head in and glanced around. "This is Miss Rem's room, isn't it?"

Steve nodded, it wasn't very often that Captain America could be said to be a quitter, but there was no way he was going to talk his way out of this situation.

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