Chapter Twenty-Nine

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With supplies purchased by Rem at the markets the previous day, Peter was able to reconstruct a near perfect replica of his web fluid. It took him a lot longer than normal, but he was sure that as he got more practice he would cut that time down. Part of his time was also spent coaching Emilia through what they were doing since she had been adamant that they she help.

The most difficult part of the whole thing was getting it into the spent web cartridge containers that he had. There wasn't going to be any funnels that small around the house and the fluid itself could only be exposed to air so long at the temperature it was at.

When he finally got them filled and set aside, leaned in, her loose silver ponytail wobbled side to side (getting her to pull her hair back had been feat that had taken some insisting on Peter's part, but it was for lab safety).

"Is that it?" Emilia asked.

"It looks like that's it!" Peter said.

Emilia clapped her hands together. "Then you're not at risk of running out of webs!"

Peter swapped the cartridges out, he still needed to test them as there was some risk that the change in ingredients had created a sort of instability. He fired a web across the room just to see that it worked. First test was down. He fired one up into the ceiling and tugged on it to see that it support his weight.

It did this without fail and the web stretched and tightened together, gaining a little length in the process. He wasn't wearing the suit right now and he would have ah and time running a diagnostic on the web shooters right now, but they seemed to be performing well. If there was ever a time to have the freedom to use as much web as he wanted it was going into this thing with the White Whale.

Things like nets and web bombs had seemed like a waste, while he still used them, he had to count on them less. With access to his web fluid again he could be back in fighting shape, at least as far as his ranged capabilities were concerned.

"Do you want to take them out for a test?" Emilia asked.

Peter stared into her big violet eyes, there was a subtle smile creeping across her face. "I'm not really sure that would be the best idea, there might be some reduction in the max weight supported by—"

"They held that bolder up before Peter, are you saying you think I'm that heavy now," Emilia bent down in front of him with a mischievous grin on her face. "Come on, you're not going to see me for a little while. This might even be the last time we're both in the capital for a long time."

"I'm going to have to come back here to get more web supplies eventually, you can come with me," Peter said.

Emilia glared at him, her hands falling on her hips and resting there.

"Look, I'm not—I don't really want to say the wrong thing and be too forward since you're like a princess and stuff, but I'm kind of afraid of dropping you on these untested webs. And I more than I don't want to see you be hurt I would hate to be the one that hurt you."

Emilia sighed. "I was going to say we could go on a quick second date before I head back to the manor, but it looks like you're dead set on turning me down."

In a flash, Peter webbed her to him, pulling her in close. "Okay, we can do this but we need to set some ground rules," said Peter.

"Oh-kay," Emilia repeated, testing the word out.

"You hang onto me tight as you can, if the web breaks I can break the fall. And second, we're going to go slower this time, I hope that's fine with you," Peter said.

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