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Morning came far too soon. I groaned as I got up from bed, barely awake but my stomach was already fluttering from anxiety for the second task today. I looked over at the jar on my beside table. It was filled with murky water and green seaweed looking plants were settled at the bottom. 

Hopefully this tangle of plants would help me survive underwater for long. Otherwise if I was trapped within the depths and the gilliweed stopped working-

I shuddered at the thought and pushed the gruesome image out of my mind. I got up and ready quickly. Right before I left, I grabbed my jar and went downstairs. I was hoping to catch either Hermione or Draco before the task. I needed to see a familiar face and some pep talk wouldn't hurt either.

But as I entered the great hall, my eyes scanned for Hermione, I couldn't seem to find her. I walked over to the Gryffindor table, searching. Harry and Ron seemed to be deep in conversation, their backs facing me.

"Hey, Ron." I greeted.

Ron turned around confused, but then looked at me. A little bit of the pumpkin juice in his mouth spilled as he smiled. He then became embarrassed and desperately looked for a napkin.

"Hi, Y/N." Harry greeted back.

"Have you seen Hermione?" I asked, conjuring a napkin, and handing it to Ron, who took it gratefully.

"We actually thought she might be with you." Harry said.

"And I thought she was with you." I crossed my arms, my brows furrowed. "Should I be worried she's missing?"

"No... she's probably in the library." Ron answered. "Probably researching something last minute."

"Don't worry she'll turn up." Harry assured me.

"Thanks." I muttered, turning around to walk back.

"Hey, Y/N..." Ron said. I turned back for a moment. "Good luck." He smiled.

I returned his smile and nodded in thanks. I turned back around, and the smile slowly faded.

 Where was Hermione? I walked over to my own table, searching for the familiar wisps of silvery blond hair. But as I got closer, he wasn't there. I looked all around the table, but Draco was nowhere to be seen.

"Have you guys seen Draco?" I asked as I sat down next to Enzo, opposite to Pansy.

"He's not with you?" Enzo asked. I shook my head.

"That's what we assumed." Pansy shrugged.

"I saw him in the morning." Enzo said. I snapped my head in his direction.

"Where?" I asked.

"He was all dressed up and walking out the dorm. Said Snape wanted to see him for something." Enzo explained.

"Probably got detention or something." Pansy guessed.

"Not from Snape." I replied. Snape would never give Draco detention.

"Don't worry, he'll turn up." Pansy assured me.

It sounded scarily similar to what Harry had just told me. It didn't but assure me one bit. But I put on a fake smile and nodded.

"What's the jar for anyway?" Enzo pointed at the jar filled with water and the gilliweed sitting on the table.

"It's going to help me in the second task." I answered.

"And how's that?" Pansy asked, putting toast on a plate, and handing it to me. "Eat." She instructed.

"You'll see." I answered, taking the plate. I took a bite of the toast and the usual buttery taste turned to ash. But I continued to eat. There was silence for a few minutes while I finished my toast.

When We Met {Draco Malfoy X Reader X Mattheo Riddle}Where stories live. Discover now