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The rest of break was a blur between parties from house to house to just relaxing in our home. I had tried to send Draco letters to tell him about the clues I had found, but he never responded to them, so I quit after a few days.

Edmund and I had not chosen to tell our parents we knew of their lies. We decided that if we did tell them, they would make up some unlikely story or brush it off with more lies, and then they'll use more caution than ever when they decide to lie again. Instead, we'd let them believe that they had us successfully fooled and keep an eye on them.

They didn't attempt to lie again. In fact, they behaved normally.

Talking about abnormal behavior, I didn't see that boy again all through the rest of break. I kept expecting him to be in the shadows or show up unexpectedly, but he was gone. 

For some reason that made even more uneasy than relieved.

I now passed between the pillar of 9 ¾ finding myself once again in front of the large red train. Edmund had stayed back home to go again with father to work. He said he'd be back at Hogwarts in a week or two.

So, I climbed on board and searched for my friends. I found them all sitting in a compartment. I went inside and greeted all of them.

"Y/N!" Pansy exclaimed.

"It's been too long." Enzo said.

Even Draco sat near the window. He was looking outside and seemed to be lost in thought.

"Hi." I replied to all of them, taking a seat next to Draco. But even as I sat down, he didn't seem to notice me. "Draco." I said softly, lightly brushing my shoulder with his. He looked at me, wide-eyed as if surprised.

"Y/N?" He asked... a bit confused. "Y/N." He said with more confidence. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

"Whoa. What was that?" Pansy said.

"Something definitely happened over break." Enzo muttered.

"Care to explain?" Pansy folded her hands in front of her.

"Well..." I looked down at my lap, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Draco and I just got a little closer."

"Clearly." Enzo remarked.

"Are you official?" Pansy questioned.

I looked over at Draco as he turned towards me. We hadn't talked about this and so I wasn't sure if he felt the same way.

"Yes." I said slowly. Draco smiled a bit, nodding. That gave me confidence that he was thinking the same thing I was. "Yes... we're together." I turned towards Enzo and Pansy.

Pansy's jaw opened and Enzo just smirked.

"You owe me 10 galleons." Enzo said to Pansy.

"Ugh." Pansy rummaged in her pocket and pulled out the money. Enzo took it from her happily.

"I won the bet." He said in a sing song voice.

"You guys had a bet?" I laughed.

"Yeah... it all started when..." Enzo and Pansy started to recount their story. I listened to them well and got involved in their conversation. But somewhere in the middle, Draco dropped out of conversation. He went back to looking outside, once again thinking deeply about something.

I thought he was acting a bit different. I little quieter. More...



When We Met {Draco Malfoy X Reader X Mattheo Riddle}Where stories live. Discover now