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" what should I listen to today? "
jisung scrolled through his 8 hour long playlist, tapping on the different album covers and titles that he knew from the back of his hand. he switched back and forth between apps in the meantime, finding his attention span getting shorter and shorter as time passed.

after a few minutes of it, he finally pressed onto his specially arranged Lofi playlist which he reserved for days like this.

days where his nose was tinted red from the cold, days where he would be enjoying his usual and very necessary slice of cheesecake accompanied with hot ginger tea. they always say that we live in the moment, that the past is always gone, and each day is something new, a stepping stone into a future one dreams of, even in the cold. for him, that is snow, that is those wintry days of bluster and ice.
the earth of yesterday covered as white as any new page.

yet today, he was happy to simply walk in it, create a few footprints of his own. he watched them tumble, those feathered crystals, their chaotic flight to form a blanket that could not be more uniform, more orderly. for some their destination was to arrive on his gloved hands, alight upon his fingers. he giggled softly to himself before clutching onto the straps of his bag, walking to the bakery.

by then, his hair was already home to a thin coat of snow, powdered white that rested on his blue hair, his natural black roots showing a little since he decided to outgrow his hair. who could blame him for absolutely rocking blue hair anyways?

he rubbed his hands against each other as he plopped himself onto the pastel cushioned seat, swinging his legs back and forth as he began to type away at his phone.

he was hungry.

so hungry.



minho stumbled a little while walking, rubbing his temples as a shaky exhale escaped his lips. he scrunched his nose in displeasure and quickly took out the handkerchief that was neatly folded in his pocket.

the crumpled petals.

he took a deep inhale, a satisfactory grunt was barely audible when rubbed the petal between his fingertips, the muscles in his face twitching ever so slightly.


you must control yourself.

the jolly jingle of the bell was heard when minho pushed though the doors, rubbing the soles of his shoes against the most likely rougher material of the welcome mat.

he scanned the café,some business women and men who were glued to their screens, taking advantage of the free wifi. other customers were busy digging into their food.

perhaps, it is regarded as completely normal to hear the chatter of many people talking at once, laughter and the occasional silence that is almost instantaneously replaced with even more conversations.

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