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" it's time to play "

the definition of perfect is someone or something that is excellent, correct and flawless. when questioned about anything related to perfection, they would all turn to minho. the definition of perfection.

whether is was work related or regarding personal advice, minho always seemed to know what to do, what to say. each movement is probably so precisely calculated the error of margin is extremely tiny, hence, guaranteeing him perfection.

everyone has their desired or idealised qualities, or a certain degree of something in order to consider it perfection. minho always managed to exceed their expectations.

at work, he was someone who was well loved, everyone would turn their heads in union the moment he sets foot in the company, receiving praises, working his way up to achieve the highest position any person could achieve and often having to decline deals that he found not worthy of his time, of course, while flashing that perfectly practiced civil smile.


" hey jisung-ssi!"
jisung visibly flinched, quickly hiding the compact in his palm, luckily sliding it into his bag before junzi could notice. he exchanged a polite bow to his fellow colleague, which was followed by a teeth gritting smile.

soon, another batch of colleagues made their way into the separate cubicles, the others were checking their reflections or adjusting their iron pressed work attire. junzi straighten out his pastel blue tie, flashing jisung another smile which could easily pass as a genuine one, before approaching the older.

" jisung-ssi, is your arm okay? "
junzi pointed to jisung's arm, he enquired, with moon crescent eyes and the corner of his lips curling just the right amount, lips pressed tightly together in fear of showing any teeth.

" oh! not to worry, it's fine! i have to go now, lots of work. "
jisung quickly explained, fear masked under the neutral tone of his voice. he couldn't find out. there was no imperfections allowed.
jisung wanted to rush out of the bathroom, but that would be rather rude. instead, he bowed once more, plucked the two stray hairs from the sides of his hair, before exchanging one last glance and exiting.

the rest of the time went by without jisung knowing, it was just like everyday. he never knew the time.
he say at his desk, spectacles resting nicely on the bridge of his nose, never slipping. he couldn't afford to slip up.

every once in a while, he would look to the left or his right, even though it was forbidden. nobody was allowed to look up from their work station. he straightened out his dress, making sure the vanilla white ribbon that was clipped onto his dress was clean, clean of any stains.

" good job everyone. " 
the all too familiar voice was heard from
the speakers.
jisung only knew so much. he only knew when things started but never knew when they would end.  why would he need to know anyways? there was always someone telling him what to do, wasn't there?

simultaneously, they got up from their honey wooden chairs, a manufactured heart carved in the centre of the back post, and a pastel pink cushion sat on the seat. as always.
" you may now pick up your bags, line up towards the exit and head home. goodbye. "
the speaker was heard again, robotic and with the same artificial cheery tone.

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