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never judge a book by its cover, never judge a person by their smile

The wind chattered through the streets, the rain danced upon the rooftops and the sunlight contrived with the moonlight to keep the town in ever-glow. hyunjin had just moved to Levanter Street not long ago, deciding to take things his pace and pursue dance and music as an occupation. however, he had to find a way to make ends meet. such lessons and training weren't the very least affordable and he didn't want to depend on his parents too much. therefore, he decided to get a job at the nearby café, " BIN'S BLUEPRINT".

the ambiance of the cafe, its homey aroma, draws the souls of people into its cocoon for a few blessed moments. the cafe was crowded as usual, with minho and changbin playfully growling at each other, fighting over who gets to be the cashier for the day. he was more than happy to have been able to land such an amazing job! surrounded by friends he made and he had such nice employers and a fairly good pay that would do more than suffice.

people came rushing though the door, eagerly anticipating for their desired beverage to reach their hands. minho and changbin decided to hand the job of the cashier over to hyunjin since he had never tried it before. oh how disappointing! he was too naive in his thinking to assume that he would meet someone cute or a boy that caught his eyes. however, he was only met with faces that didn't stand out to him, taking their orders with a practiced smile forcefully plastered on his face.

and so it went on this way. people coming in and going out with a drink in hand, or clusters of people situated at tables, chattering away. before they knew it, it was already 9pm! it was time to close up. the customer's excited conversations soon simmered and came to a complete stop, replacing the cafe with the sound of brewing machines being washed under harsh streams of water and the sound of shoes against the tiled floor. hyunjin was in charge of cleaning the cafe that day, swooshing his mop back and forth, cleaning away at the floor. his gaze was empty as his mind ran elsewhere.

" oh my goodness! can i still order? "

hyunjin was startled by the voice that snapped his mmm out of his reverie. his eyes hesitatingly travelled to the source of the voice. his heart instantly stopped when he was met with the most beautiful boy he had ever seen in his life. his heart was already pounding against his chest when he saw the boy smile, wiping away the sweat that trickled down his forehead.

" i'll make an exception for you young man! what would you like to order? "
hyunjin asked in a sickly sweet voice that didn't go unnoticed by the elder, earning a small chuckle and a shy smile back.

" i would like a cup of ice americano please! "
the man chirped happily, feeling the awkwardness drain away from his body at the sight of the barista/ cashier smiling widely at him.

" he's just like chris.. "
hyunjin thought to himself, smiling sickly at the thought of the close resemblance between the boy and his ex.

im not sure if you'll consider this " Chris " guy to be hyunjin's ex, considering that hyunjin did stab him a total of 10 times when he tried to escape. from the exact words of hyunjin, " i was already being very nice.. "

he managed to hide his maniacal personality behind his innocent appearance. at first glance, he was nothing but a cute barista who enjoyed wearing hoodies and loved pastel colours. anything but a psychopath. the dead bodies buried in his backyard would beg to differ.

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