Chapter 13

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"...Let's talk." Was all the King said to the canine officer at his feet.

Maw was still on the ground, having picked his upper body up after regaining consciousness. Though, after seeing what he was faced with, he wished he had just stayed asleep. He had just met the King for the very first time, and was already aware just how dangerous he was. Maw knew that one wrong move would lead to his end, so he decided it was best to just go along with it. "You...wanted to talk, sire?" He asked, trying to mind his manners. It was only now that he noticed Pitou was there too.

"I find it strange." The King started. "Back there, I had every intention to kill you with my attack. In other words, you shouldn't even be breathing right now." His wording caused Maw to actually stop breathing for a second. "I wonder why... Tell me, do you know the reason...the reason why you are still alive?" The King asked.

Maw didn't answer straight away. His head was currently spinning, so much had happened in such a short amount of time that he just couldn't keep up. On one hand he feared for his life, but on the other he was uncertain about something... Why was he still alive? The same question that gnawed at the King was the same for him. He saw the corpses of the ants that had the misfortune of running into the King, and he should be one of them right now. Yet here he was, still alive, a bit bloody but still alive.

"I'm waiting."

Maw was pulled out of of his head, he realized he was taking a long time to answer. "I... I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer to that question either, I'm afraid." Maw finally spoke.

The King scoffed, that answer wasn't what he was looking for. "Fine then. At least answer me this... What do they call you?"

"It's Maw, sire."

"Well then, Maw." The King then got up from his seat and stood before the officer on the ground. "I haven't been here for long, and yet I'm already finding myself surprised. I don't know what to think of it, and judging by your look, you don't either. So why don't we find that out together. Understand?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." Maw was confused.

"What I'm saying is I'm giving you an offer... Join the Royal Guard."

At the sound of those words, the violin that was being played by Pouf seemed to have one of its string snap. Not only that, but Youpi ran into the Nest, as if he had lost all concentration for a second. Pitou's eyed widened a bit, but other than that she still retained her smile.

Maw's jaw fell like it wanted to drop to the floor, his eyes wanting to bulge out of his head. "...What!?"

"You heard me. Prove why you were strong enough to resist death and earned another chance."

"Uh... look, sire. I don't think-"Maw was cutoff when the King released his powerful aura around his body, which made Maw shudder. Even the Royal Guards could feel it.

"You must not understand." The aura got more intense. "Do not mistake this for admiration or praise. I am doing this in hopes of satisfying my own curiosity, and nothing else. I'd expected you to feel gratitude for a second chance to live, but by all means if you think I'm making a mistake, merely say it..." He then raised his tail's stinger towards Maw's throat, the canine ant sweating in response. "...and I'll make sure the next hit does kill you." He said with a glare.

Maw had very little choice right now. He could feel the King's stinger slightly pushing against his throat, causing a small line of blue blood to seep down his neck. Maw wasn't sure why he was still alive, but at that moment one thing was clear... He didn't want to die. "...Very well." He said, trying his best hide the fear in his voice.

A Change In Purpose (Hunter x Hunter X Male Chimera Ant OC)Where stories live. Discover now