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Name: Maw
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Species: Chimera Ant
Rank: Officer
Nen type: TBA

Maw has a slim build and is a fairly tall Chimera Ant.(A bit shorter than Cheetu) He has short brown hair and green eyes. He is a rare case in that, he can be mistaken for human, if the animalistic features he was born with were removed.(much like Pitou, Pouf, and Hirin) Maw has the some physical characteristics of a dog, and with these features present, one can clearly see he isn't human. His hands have claws, and his teeth are pretty sharp. He also has pointy ears that are partially covered thanks to his hair, along with a short-mid length tail. Like many Chimera Ants, Maw has marks on his forehead, two in fact, and they point diagonally to each other, their bottom's nearly making contact with one another. Also, like some of his comrades, he utilizes clothing. His typical attire is a white undershirt with a brown jacket worn over it, along with black pants and white shoes he can easily slip on.

Maw appears to be a very curious about most things, and because of his natural curiosity, he tends to let himself get easily distracted. Despite this, Maw is a capable warrior, and is able to focus if the situation calls for it. When not on patrol or a raiding mission, Maw is open to doing many things in his spare time. Such activities include reading, competing, and conversing with ants that he is more familiar with. Maw can be competitive when he wants to be. He enjoys games, though he may get upset and sulk about if he isn't the winner, showing he can be childish at times, though this behavior doesn't last long, and he moves on pretty quickly. Maw isn't as vicious and sadistic as more recent Chimera Ants tend to be, not finding extra joy in hunting down and killing their prey. However, he is more than willing to capture them for the Queen, and seems to show no remorse for so many humans dying for the cause.

(Current) Relationships:
Maw's squadron leader and higher-up. Maw has a great deal of respect for Colt, recognizing his resolve and leadership. He's aware that he is a bit of a stiff and hard to talk to outside of missions, but he knows that he just wants to please the Queen and make sure she is taken care of. Colt can sometimes be annoyed with Maw, seeing as how he lets his curiosity get the best of him at times. Nevertheless, he appreciates the work Maw has put in and recognizes him as his most reliable officer.
Maw and Peggy tend to get along quite well. They both share an interest in reading, even though Maw sees it more as a way to past time, while Peggy sees it as essential. Maw recognizes Peggy's intelligence and level-headed behavior, and often goes to him with questions he has about anything he finds interesting.
Maw's fellow officer, who shares the same squad with him. Despite this, the two ants don't seem to get along all that well. Maw's loyalty to Colt and his orders aren't shared with Rammot, who always ends up acting of his own accord and desires to eat humans meant for the Queen. This causes the two to be at odds with each other more often than not.
Cheetu and Maw are able to get along. There are times when they race each other in their spare time, though it pretty much always ends the same way, with Cheetu as the victor.

Enhanced Strength: Being a Chimera Ant, Maw is much stronger than the average human.
Enhanced Speed: Having taking on the genes of both human and dog, Maw is incredibly fast, and is one of the more faster Chimera Ants. Though, he doesn't hold a candle to Cheetu's speed.
Enhanced Reflexes: Maw is shown to have incredible reflexes, seeing as how he was able to stop a pitchfork from just hitting him, by catching it with ease.
(Maw will begin acquiring more abilities and powers once the Chimera Ants make a certain...breakthrough)

A Change In Purpose (Hunter x Hunter X Male Chimera Ant OC)Where stories live. Discover now