Finals - Jefferson Marle Crane

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"Jeff..." Victoria inquires a placid look on her innocent face. 

Jefferson Marle Craene ****es the pale hand snarling, slings on his pack and adapts a brisk pace toward the center of the arena. Victoria trails behind grasping onto white knuckles. 

Would they allows us all to die? Jefferson wonders. How realistic is this nonchalant threat of doom. Would he fall prey to a cruel hoax? Or would he be the keen man leading himself to safety? 

Or would he be dead? 

Would he be one of the emotionless faces in the un-watching sky.  

Would his last sight be the lifeless flash of the hovercraft? The last sound, stuck in his ears; would it be the elation of his own death? 

Would that be what it would sound like at his district; elation? 

He wouldn't be surprised. 

Jefferson shook the thought out of his head.  

The world shook with it.

A rumbling shift as plates of ground tore apart in tired frustration. The safety zone flashes into sight. A sanctuary from mourning anger and agitation.  

He bolted to the tree, wide eyes narrow at the corners in suspicion of guests. As he jumps across the enlarging chasm preventing a simple access to safety he feels a tickling breeze as his hand empties. 

"Victoria!" he hollers into the static air through a mask of appalled anger. 

The girl kneels on the aplomb grass her freckled face stares at danger without knowing fear. Without the worry of guilt, nor the poison of doubt, or greed. 

She walked upon a tightrope of not knowing or not caring. 

Jefferson supposed nobody would ever know which side she felt more partial to.  

"Victoria!" The protests were useless, my brimming tears would heal no burns nor relieves the searing truth of failure. 

Jefferson Marle Crane would have to be a man of action. 

He leaped out of sanctuary. He put his life on the line so that his chances of living would be less. One of them were going to die. 

Now both of them could. 

Even for a manic...this was beyond manic. 

As he fell upon the quavering crust, shivering in fear of abandonment of its creator. The crust under Victoria buckled. Nature killed the girl. 

"Jefferson! You are an idiot!" 

He ignores the wails and the heart-wrenching screech of the canon. 

He dives back into safety, dives into sanctuary. 

There he could be plagued by jealousy and cowardice. 

This was a cowards game.

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