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Tony woke up feeling...raw?
He didn't really know how to explain it.

He had woken up in his bed, alone this time as Stephen wasn't here, at around 5:00 sharp. At this point his body was accustomed to him waking up early, so after no more than a minute of yawning and rubbing his eyes, Tony was ready to pull himself out of bed.

However, when he tried to sit up in his bed...he could've sworn he saw the arc reactor in his chest flicker just a spec brighter than it had before...
He glanced down at it for a moment and tapped it with his finger, but it remained the same.
Tony brushed it off and figured that he'd just imagined the sudden flicker of light...but something in the back of his head was telling him to keep an eye on it.

After yawning and stretching his arms out, Tony slipped out from the covers of his large bed and onto the cold floor of his room.
As he walked over to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get rid of his morning breath, Tony vaguely remembered that Stephen had fell asleep with him last night. Of course, Tony didn't give his absence much thought as the couple rarely ever actually spent the whole night with each other. Stephen most likely left early to head over to the sanctum, and had left Tony to sleep and get in his full eight hours....or more like five for Tony as he had still woken up early.

As Tony turned on the tap water and pulled out his red toothbrush, quickly applying toothpaste to it before bringing it to his teeth and brushing them, a bit of his saliva mixed with the minty paste and rolled down the back of his throat, making him cough and attempt to clear his throat.

But he could've swore that as he coughed...the arc reactor glowed significantly brighter than it should've.

...he also noticed that his chest felt...tight...

After getting cleaned up and ready for the day, dressing in some casual house clothes, and making himself a large cup of strong black coffee in a Spider-Man mug that Peter had gifted him a month or two ago, Tony trudged down to his lab and got ready to begin his planning for a new mark suit.
His goal was to make this suit capable of withstanding huge sudden forces from objects such as Thor's hammer, without knocking the wind out of him and making the suit go flying backwards.
He sat down at his desk and placed his large cup of coffee on an old piece of paper that he liked to use as a coaster, before he quickly spun around in his chair and reached over to a drawer next to him, opening it and pulling out a couple sets of tinkering tools.
"Alright J, Dum-E," Tony muttered as he took another sip of his coffee and began to wake up fully.
"Let's get to work."

A couple hours had passed since Tony first started working on his new suit.
In that time, he had managed to build the entire frame of the suit, as well as construct more than half of the iron armor panels that covered his suit.
During this time, Tony had also had a bunch of random visitors in his lab.
Bruce had walked in about four separate times, Bucky had come in once to ask if Tony could fix the connected part on his arm, Natasha had practiced a new stealth strategy and used it to sneak up on Tony, and Stephen even dropped by for a while, eventually going upstairs to make tea for himself and coffee for Tony, leaving the genius alone.
While Stephen was away, Tony focused on welding some gears together. The only problem, was that every time he misplaced the heat that he was shooting out of his blow torch, sparks a and small fragments of metal would fling all over, causing Tony to get small pieces of stuck all in his skin. It also led him to place a covering over his face so that no shards would reach his eyes and other sensitive areas.
JARVIS told him that he should better suit up before tampering with the metal, but Tony being Tony, refused.
Tony began to notice a major detail however, as he did this.
Every time Tony would stop working to cough into his arm to clear his lungs from all the smoke and mechanical gasses in the room...his arc reactor would shine at least two times brighter than normal.

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