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Normally, Tony was the one who would skip meal times, wrapped up in his lab working on upgrades to his suits or attempting to break through firewalls set by other agencies.
Tony would get so focused in his work that he would forget to eat among many other things, leading to Stephen and others such as Rhodey, practically forcing him out of his lab to grab a bite.
In fact, just last week Tony had been so malnourished that he almost passed out.
The key word is almost.
Just as he was minutes away from passing out, Stephen portaled into the room and gave him a cup of orange juice to which he drank as Stephen forced him down the hall and towards the kitchen where he had made food for him and the others.

Stephen was a always there for Tony when he needed it, and Tony was determined to be there for him as well.
That's why Tony was anxious to help after he had seen Vision's readings on Stephen.

Tony had upgraded a part of Vision's tech so that he was able to get a read on someone's healthiness and location, even if they were thousands of miles away from him.
The reason he had done this was so if any Avenger or ally were to get injured on the job, or taken prisoner, he would know.
The only slight issue with his program, was that he had to add people manually to vision's software.
So far, he had Stephen, Rhodey, Pepper, Steve, and Wanda connected to the software (Vision had insisted that Wanda be one of the first connected).

Tony had been in his lab looking at old tapes on a Monday afternoon, when he noticed Vision enter through the door in front of him.
He paused the recordings and turned to face Vision who was standing tall and still in front of him.
"Sir, I believe you should see some of Doctor
Strange's vitals."
Tony placed down the remote.
"Why, has something happened?" He asked cautiously.
"How about you take a look for yourself."
Vision transported the data of Stephen onto Tony's computer and Tony walked over to it, starting to click through the reports.
"Breathing good, heart rate fine, no harmful injuries," Tony muttered to himself as he surfed through the data collected on his beloved.
Suddenly though, Tony froze on a report.
Nutritional values low
Last food consumed- sliced apple
Time since last food consumed- 7 days, 4 hours, 23 minutes
Weight lost- over 10 pounds

Tony sat there for a moment re-reading the information over and over again.
Oh my god
"Vision, where is Stephen right now?"
"Doctor Strange appears to be in the tower library."
Tony immediately stood up and ran out of his lab, grabbing a box of his nutritional juice off his desk as he went.
Tony went into the elevator and clicked some buttons, rising two floors up before the doors opened and he ran out into the hallway, taking a left at the end of the hall and running straight into the large library.

Tony scanned the rows of bookshelves that lined the walls of the massive room and luckily, he found Stephen quite quickly as the lights were off in the room and the only light seen, was the light emitting from a little desk lamp at the back where Stephen sat, hunched over starring intently at a dark green thick book while taking notes. His workspace was surrounded with stacks of books and mountains of papers.
"Stephen!" Tony yelled as he ran over to where Stephen was sitting, leaning over the table in front of him and lifting Stephen's chin up so that he was facing Tony.
Stephen looked up at Tony with wide frantic blue-ish, green eyes, before relaxing slightly after noticing it was Tony.
"Jeez Stark, you nearly gave me a heart attack,"
Stephen muttered,  attempting to pull his chin away from Tony's hold.
But Tony didn't let go.
He examined Stephen's appearance, noticing that he was skinnier and more boney then before. His cheek bones popped out of his sunken eyed, messy haired face, and Tony barely had to put force into holding Stephen's chin as he attempted to wriggle from his grasp.

Stephen stopped attempting to pull away after a couple moments and faced his tired eyes again onto Tony.
"Can you let me go? What is this nonsense, I have work to continue."
Tony let go of Stephen's chin and walked around the table, crouching in front of Stephen's chair, never breaking eye contact with him.
"Listen Dumbledore, I'm going to be as serious as I possibly can, and you better listen."
Stephen sat up straight in his chair and suddenly seemed very determined.
"Did something happen? Did another villain arrive?"
Tony rolled his eyes and grabbed one of Stephen's bony arms, holding it in his own.
"No dumb a$$, I'm talking about you. I just got a notification from Vision saying that you haven't eaten anything in over a week! What happened!?"
Stephen faltered after realizing the reason for Tony's seriousness. He laid back in his chair and gently rubbed his head which he didn't feel like mentioning, really ached, probably a migraine.
"No reason, I just haven't been hungry, I didn't even realize it had been that long. I'm fine Tony."

Oh no he didn't just hit Tony with the I'm fine.

Tony sighed and took both of Stephen's shaking hands.
"How did you not notice?"
Stephen simply blinked slowly.
"Same way as you forget to eat after spending days in your lab. Tony I swear I'm fine."
And with that, Stephen stood abruptly out of his chair before suddenly falling forward.
Tony caught Stephen and held him tight in his arms.
"Fine, huh?"
Stephen stayed silent and hid his face from Tony's view.
Tony sighed and gently kissed Stephen's cheek.
"Listen, I'm sorry for sounding rude, but I'm just worried."
He looked down slightly and thought to himself.
Did Stephen always feel so awful like this when Tony hadn't taken care of himself?
Stephen rested his chin on Tony's shoulder and sighed.
"I'm sorry Tony, I'm sorry."
Tony smiled slightly and pulled the juice box from his pocket, opening it and handing it to Stephen who slowly drank the nutritional juice.
"Oh you lovable magician," Tony spoke.
"Now, how about we both go down to the kitchen and get something to eat? I'm starving."

They both chuckled and joked amongst each other as Tony helped Stephen down the hallway, into the elevator, and into the kitchen.
Tony then sat Stephen down on one of the table chairs and walked towards the fridge, opening it and digging through the food selections.

One Tony gathered and prepared their meal, an old slice of pizza for Tony, and a vegan burger for Stephen, he walked back over to Stephen to find him head down on the table, fast asleep.

It was adorable.
He seemed so peaceful as he rested, his lips slightly parted so that small, quiet snores could escape, his messy hair slightly covering his relaxed, closed eyes.
Tony sat the food down on the table and looked at Stephen contemplating on wether he should let him sleep, or wake him up to eat.

In the end, Tony shook Stephen awake and made the sleepy sorcerer take a couple small bites of his vegan burger before gently resting his head on his lap and playing with his hair as he fell asleep.
Tony finished his food as well before falling asleep at the dining table with Stephen.

A little while later, Clint and Natasha entered the room to get a snack, chatting loudly until they noticed Tony and Stephen passed out at the table, both embracing each other.
They walked over and took a picture of the two before walking out of the room whispering to each other.
"I'm so printing a picture of them," Clint said as they walked.
"So mature," Natasha teased, and just like that, they were gone and the two love birds spent the rest of the night cuddled in each other's arms, fast asleep.

They both also woke up with a huge cramp:)

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