87 hours

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3:42 Am
That was what time it was on an early Saturday.
Tony Stark was in his lab making adjustments on something that would later be a huge missile net that could shoot out of Rhodey's suit.
He wasn't wearing anything fancy, a simple white tank top with the reactor's (now he doesn't need it to live, it's like he said in the movies where it's just easier for him to have it on his chest to power the suits) dim light shining through, and some dark blue jeans with worn out orange tennis shoes, as well as a headset that flashed multiple images In front of his right eye. His white shirt was almost unrecognizable and his jeans harshly torn, both being coated with a layer of oil and grime. His hair was surprisingly still brushed back into a calm position, most likely because the oil in his hair had acted like a sort of hair gel. His arms, legs, and face were covered in dirt and scratches, making him look as though he just escaped a building collapse.
As Tony worked, he slowly started rubbing his eyes and yawning more. Of course, those side-effects of sleep loss were soon ceased after yet another cup of strong, black coffee.
As he set down his wrench on his desk in order to grab a smaller one, he heard a sudden sizzle and saw a faint orange light behind him.
Tony suppressed a sigh and spun around in his black spinny chair, holding the wrench, to face a stiff faced Stephen. Shit Tony thought as he saw laces of concern and anger shine through Stephen Strange's mysterious blue eyes, which were normally warm and welcoming, if not a little secret.
"Sup Doc," Tony spoke sarcastically.
Stephen took a step forward and his magic portal closed behind him.
"Tony?" He spoke.
"Why on Earth are you awake right now?"
Tony scoffed and reached for his cup of coffee.
"Could say the same to you-uh-hey!"
Before Tony knew it, Stephen was next to him and had taken ahold of his coffee, putting it on a stand behind him.
"First off," he began. " I am awake because I just finished cleaning up some things at the sanctum and I figured I'd come here and join you in bed, but you were still awake."
"As for the coffee," he continued. "It's not a healthy habit to drink coffee this late at night."
"Technically," Tony spoke as he stood up and crossed his arms, facing the sorcerer. "It's actually early morning, not late at night."
Stephen sighed and walked close to Tony and put a shaking hand on his shoulder.
"How long have you been awake Tony?" Stephen said worriedly.
Tony looked at Stephen's chest, looking at the all the elegant patterns that covered the eye of Agamotto.
He was prepared to lie and say that he had just woken up a couple minutes ago, but Tony felt that as a former doctor, Stephen would know what's up. That, and the fact that he looked like a bomb wreck. Tony sighed and faced Stephen's blue eyes, mustering a sarcastic facial pose.
"Eh, it's only been a couple hours."
Stephen in response, rolled his eyes.
"So that's what your going with."
Stephen muttered something along the lines of this stupid idiot, before removing his arm from Tony's shoulder and facing a random spot on the ceiling.
"FRIDAY?" Strange spoke to the program.
"How long has Stark been up?"
"Mr. Stark has been up for 87 hours and counting"
Stephen's jaw literally dropped.
He faced Tony and a look of you better have a good reason for this spread across his face.
Tony silently cursed himself for giving permission for Strange to communicate with FRIDAY.
" Listen street magician, I can't help it if I have a project I have to work on, if I sleep, I'll waste time I could've been using to complete the project."
Tony was pretty confident in his statement, but one look into Stephen's eyes told him the sorcerer wasn't taking his excuses.

"Tony, I know your aware that at minimum, you should be getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep per night"
Tony rolled his eyes.
"Oh come on! I know for a fact that you've pulled a couple all nighters."
"Yes, I have," Stephen spoke.
"But not multiple all at one moment. You need to rest."
Tony was already equipped with another snarky comment, but was cut short by a small yawn making it's way up his throat.
Tony reached a hand to wipe his now teary eyes from yawning, when an aura of orange light surrounded him. When it faded away, Tony noticed that his hands and legs weren't scraped and covered in machine oil anymore, and his hair finally relaxed, all the grease having been removed.
Two shaky hands pulled him forward and before he knew it, he was leaning on Stephen as they both walked into Tony's room.
Morgan and Pepper both shared a separate room, but it didn't matter because they were both out of town for the moment, leaving Tony's room, as well as the rest of the floor, just for him and Stephen.
Stephen guided him to his bed and stopped, giving Tony a black shirt and some night shorts to change into. After a minute of intense eye contact between the two, Tony grabbed the clothes and Stephen turned around to give him privacy. Tony chuckled while removing his shirt.
"You know, you don't have to look away, I'm just changing my shirt and pants. Plus, we are dating you know."
Stephen stuttered awkwardly and turned around while rubbing a hand I'm on the back of his head.
"Y-yeah, I forget that sometimes."

Once Tony was done changing, Stephen practically forced him into the bed and pulled the covers tightly over him.
Stephen turned to walk away but Tony spoke up.
"Are you going?"
Stephen shrugged.
"Well yeah, your probably annoyed with me right now anyway."
A small pang of guilt hit Tony.
"Sorry for being an asshole," Tony murmured quietly, but loud enough so Stephen heard.
"He smiled softly and turned back to Tony."
"Stay?" Tony asked quietly.
"Sure Stark, sure."

Once Stephen removed his cloak and shoes and had gotten under the covers of the bed, Tony shuffled over and rested his head on Stephen's chest.
"Now this," Tony spoke weakly," is more like it."
With that comment, Tony's head snuggled deeper into Strange's chest, and he fell asleep instantly.
Strange smiled and spent a couple minutes messing with Tony's hair before retiring to a much needed sleep as well.

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