Height swap (part 1)

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It was no secret that Stephen Strange was taller than Tony Stark. Tony was 5'9 and Stephen was 6'0, almost 6'1. Even though it was only a two-three inch difference, for some reason Stephen always seemed to tower over Tony. It's not that Tony was short or anything, he was about average male height, but when Stephen would walk up, tilt his chin up, and rest it on Tony's head, it felt like he had shrunk a whole foot.
Even at night when Stephen would sleep over at the tower and they were both cuddled up on Tony's bed, Stephen's feet would practically stretch over the board at the end of the bed when he was fully stretched out, meanwhile Tony still had about a foot of space left between his feet and the end of the bed.

So when Tony woke up on an early Wednesday morning to his feet over the wooden boarder on the end of the bed, he was very confused.

At first he figured he had simply shifted over night, but then he realized his head was at the very beginning of the bed, meaning his legs really were longer than the bed.
Tony turned around confused and set his eyes on the man he was holding in his arms.

Per usual, Tony's arms were wrapped around Stephen's chest and he had him in a warm embrace. But what was weird about Stephen now, was how he fit so perfectly into Tony's grasp. Normally, Stephen was always slightly bigger than Tony and when they were cuddled with each other, Tony's view was blocked by the back of Stephen's head.
Now, Tony's chin rested just slightly above Stephen's dark brown and grey hair.

Tony tilted his head and noticed that unlike his legs which were now so long they were leaning over the back of his small bed, Stephen's were too short to reach the end and were sprawled over the bed.
"What the frick?" Tony mumbled quietly, regretting his choice to speak when Stephen started to shift in his arms. Stephen was a very light sleeper.
Stephen's eyes fluttered open and he twisted in bed until he came face to face with Tony. Or, more like face to neck.
Stephen looked up at a wide eyed Tony.
"What-" Stephen was cut off by Tony sitting up.
"Stand up," Tony said.
"Why?" Stephen asked still confused and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Just do it."
Stephen let free a tired groan and slid off of the bed, standing up with one of Tony's blankets wrapped over his shoulders like a cape.
Stephen looked down and noticed that the blanket was touching the floor.
Weird Stephen thought. Normally, the dark, red blanket Stephen was wrapped in would only reach to his ankles.
Could it be stretched out?
Stephen was interrupted from his thoughts by a sharp exhale in front of him.
Stephen looked forward and found he was face to neck with Tony. Stephen, startled, staggered backwards and tripped on the blanket.
A swift hand caught him and pulled him into his arms.
Tony was holding Stephen and he was completely flabbergasted.
He was tall. He was taller than Stephen!
This is the best moment of my life! Tony thought as Stephen regained his footed and stared up at Tony with confused and stern eyes.
"I don't know why you appear to be taller than me all of a sudden, but it can't be natural. We must see Wong at once."
"Take a chill pill shortie, we can wait a little," Tony teased as Stephen shuffled on his feet.

Or not.

Before Tony could say another snarky comment, Stephen had whisked them away in a portal and they were standing in the Sanctum right in front of Wong, still in Ironman boxers and a blanket cape.

Wong didn't seem that surprised, he simply walked over and listened to Stephen explain their situation before casting a weird spell on them.

After eight minutes, Wong looked back to Stephen and Tony with an answer.
"I don't know how, but it seems you two have been hit with a mild swapping enchantment. Normally, these kinds of spells would result in you two completely switching bodies, but in this case, just your height was switched.

"So can you reverse it?" Stephen spoke quickly making Tony grumble.
This was amazing, he was actually tall!
He didn't get why Stephen would be so anxious to get back to normal, he loved it like this!
"Unfortunately," Wong spoke, breaking Tony from his train of thoughts.
"I can't undo the spell, but the good news it that such a light enchantment like this shouldn't last more than the rest of today. In the mean time, just steer clear of attempting to get rid of the spell on your own as you could worsen the effects."

Wong ended up creating a portal in which Tony happily dragged a sulking Stephen through and back into Tony's private floor in the Stark tower.

So there they were, standing in the hallway of Tony's main floor.
"Come on," Tony said grabbing Stephen's hand and  pulling him down the hall.
"Let's go get changed. since you'll be wearing my clothes, I have a few suggestions for you," Tony said with a grin.
Stephen scoffed.

After a good half hour, Tony and Stephen were in their new outfits. Due to the size change, they both swapped clothing which Tony had taken as the perfect opportunity to have some fun.
Stephen had on a dark blue long sleeve shirt that had the words too hot to handle on the back in neon green. He then wore some light grey shorts and pink socks that had iron man on the back. however, he insisted on wearing his cloak although he had to adjust it so it didn't run on the floor.
As for Tony, partly because Stephen didn't have many casual clothes and the ones he did have were basic, he got something more sensible.
Tony was wearing an Emerald green shirt with sleeves that ran down and stopped at his elbows. He was then paired with some casual dark blue jeans and some plain white socks. He topped the outfit off with his famous glasses and a lot of hair gel.

After a minute or so of Stephen bickering about his outfit and Tony saying how he looked so fancy, they were ready to start their day....

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