My Little Spoon

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Btw, little spoon is basically when two people are cuddling in bed, the person who is curled up in a ball is the little spoon, and the person who is wrapping their arms around them is the big spoon 👌

Tony loved Stephen's personality. Stephen was most known for being a pretty stiff and serious kind of dude. However, there was another side of Stephen that most never got to see, even Tony himself almost never saw it.

Stephen was such a sucker when it came to affection.

Tony had always been little spoon, he didn't know why, he just was.
At night when they slept together, Tony was always the one who was curled in the fetal position while Stephen had his arms snaked around Tony, pulling him into his chest.
Tony embarrassingly enjoyed being the little spoon. He enjoyed being held and cuddled. He loved the vibrations of Stephen's shaky hands as they lay on his chest while he fell asleep. He enjoyed having nightmare free nights, knowing Stephen was always with him. He loved it.

But there was something he loved even better.

It started off like a regular night, Tony had dragged himself upstairs to his room in the Stark tower and had changed into a simple blue tank top with black shorts.
He would've spent the night in the lab again, but when Stephen had came in to see him earlier, he seemed a little upset. Of course being him, Stephen couldn't admit that he wasn't the happiest, and had instead gone off to the Sanctum to do some reading.
After that, Tony felt Stephen needed a nice night of cuddles.

Tony sat down on the side of the bed and waited for his lover to arrive. After about ten minutes of Tony absentmindedly swinging his feet and looking at the wall, a sparkly orange portal appeared in front of him and Doctor Strange stepped out.
He was already in night attire, a long sleeved orange shirt and soft, grey pants.

He glanced at Tony before casting a protection spell on himself and silently making his way to the bed before face-planting onto it. He then curled himself into a small ball and shut his eyes.

Tony scooted over next to him under the covers and looked at him slightly concerned.
"You okay Stephen?"
After a couple seconds of silence, the sorcerer answered.
"Fine, just an overwhelming day."

Stephen turned around in bed to face Tony before pulling the smaller man over himself into a spooning position.
While Tony would normally have loved this, he felt bad that Stephen was holding him and keeping him warm. After all, Stephen was the one who needed to be comforted right now.

Without second thought, Tony grabbed Stephen's waist and flipped him over to where his back was facing him, and wrapped his arms around his chest, pulling him closer.
Stephen's sleepy eyes widened.
"Shhh," Tony said, silencing the sorcerer.
He moved his legs and wrapped them around Stephen so that way he was completely in his grasp.
As soon as he did this, Stephen's body relaxed and he fell asleep almost instantly.

Tony smiled warmly as he listened to Stephen's slow, soft breaths, and felt his chest rise up and down.
He definitely liked being big spoon better.

Ever since then, at night when Stephen's feeling extra cuddly, Tony will wrap him in his arms and watch happily as Stephen's eyes slowly flutter shut and his body relaxes. Stephen likes to keep up the stern and serious act as much as he can, but Tony can always find away to get him to slip. Wether they're sitting on the couch or talking about monsters, the simple act of Tony holding Stephen on his lap or playing with his hair, is enough for Stephen to go full cat mode.

That's where they were right now, laying on the bed, Tony's arms wrapped tightly around Stephen who despite being taller, seemed to shrink to half the size in his arms. Tony smirked softly as he felt Stephen's body relax and his hands starting to shake slower, a clear sign that he had finally fallen asleep(after a protection spell of course). He gently fiddled with Stephen's fingers and kissed his forehead before whispering quietly.
"My little spoon"

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